Last updated on July 25th, 2023 at 12:57 pm

Even though my big dream is to empower women through my photography, there are times when women ask me how to take good photographs or videos with their iPhones. Trust me, I understand.
Photographers have many moments where we dream about cyborg-quality cameras embedded in our eyeballs to catch the moments we miss because we didn’t hold our camera correctly or unexpectedly moved right at the perfect moment.
After several years of capturing memories with my iPhone, I’ve learned to respect it. I think it only fitting to share some i-Phoneography love.
8 Ways the iPhone Is Your Best Photography Friend
1. Photographers Know The Best Camera is the One That’s With You
It’s always nearby. So close it’s nearly an appendage. If I could graft it onto my body, I probably would. Maybe it’s the next generation of body mod/art. Photographers say all the time the best camera is the one you have.
While I have the option, I do not lug my professional camera around the house or at parties. I get way too much attention with that thing.
2. A Rolling Photographer Gathers No Moss
(I hate moss. It’s pretty but gross to touch. So not gathering it is a plus for me.)
Photographers, take a break from your office or home. Changing scenes boosts creativity and cures the doldrums. You can shoot and use awesome apps to edit while you’re on the go. I use several photography apps to tweak photos and find the iPhone process a sweet little vacation from Photoshop and the monotony of my office.
The apps are designed with the iPhone’s camera and calibration, so they do a better job with less work than importing iPhone pics to Lightroom. Exception: when I need to correct the wide-angle lens distortion, I pull it into Lightroom, and they have a lens profile for it!
The top three apps that I recommend to photographers and users everywhere are Photoleap, Snapseed, and VSCO.
3. Video is King of Memory Making
I don’t bring one of my large professional cameras everywhere. The iPhone has HD video, and you can buy iMovie to edit on the go. Many childhood milestones of my family were recorded on my trusty iPhone.
4. You Can Touch the Photographer’s Precious
Photographers don’t like handing our work cameras to other people for shots of us. Some of us HATE it. And not just because we’re terrified you’ll drop it. We lose control of the entire situation. Our cameras are an extension of our bodies. It’s another sense, like sight and sound. Take it away, and it’s like you’ve trapped us in a dark deprivation chamber. Then we freeze because we’re unsure what angle we’re holding it at, how to pose, or how the light hits us.
But my iPhone with its Otterbox Defender is perfectly safe and appropriate to hand to others to grab shots of me actually living my life.
5. The Best Lipstick Mirror EVAH for Glamour Girls AND Photographers
The flip-around camera on the iPhone solves the problem of #6. (Breathe, Photographers!) We get back in control. We can see the framing, the lighting and pose ourselves in a flattering shot. (I HATE unflattering photography. Whether I’m the subject or not.)
And you’ll never find a better way to apply lipstick.
6. It helps cure Invisible Photographer Syndrome
We can easily shoot, edit and upload funky self-pics of ourselves and our families to document our lives. I’m consciously trying to be more present in photos for my family and friends, so having an easy-to-use self-camera is infinitely precious.
7. Revolutionary Photo Journalism
The increased resolution and ability to capture high-quality snaps are already revolutionizing the news industry. Many news outlets have multiple ways for the average citizen to upload and share images. This photo was from one of the terrible fires Colorado faced this summer. One of the ways we checked in on each other and got news out was through photo sharing.
(The image at the start of this article is Boulder, CO, being descended upon by an angel or a phoenix rising from the ashes).
8. Cure Photographer’s Creative Block
Nothing beats a creative block like changing up your tools. Even professional photographers get tired of things day to day. I find that letting myself make artistic mistakes and focusing on just capturing the moment opens me up to new creative options. You can’t beat the fun apps that instantly change exposure, clarity, and saturation.
While my ultimate big dream lies in empowering women through photography, I have come to appreciate the invaluable role of the iPhone in capturing life’s precious moments. As a photographer, I have dreamt of advanced cameras that never miss a beat, yet the reality is that the best camera is the one we have with us. The iPhone, always within arm’s reach, has become an extension of my creative self, allowing me the freedom to explore new scenes, experiment with various apps, and even relinquish control to others for spontaneous snapshots.
Beyond its convenience, the iPhone is a powerful tool for photojournalism, sharing important stories and uniting communities in times of need. It has also become a remedy for creative block, inspiring me to take artistic risks and embrace the joy of capturing life’s fleeting moments.
So, to all the women seeking photography advice or wondering how to make the most of their iPhones, I say this: Embrace its versatility, explore its features, and let it become your best photography friend, guiding you to immortalize your beauty and your amazing life through every lens.

Iman Woods is an American artist who specializes in pin-up photography. Through a unique and therapeutic process, she’s spent over a decade in perfecting, Iman helps women undo the damage from a negative self-image and unrealistic beauty industry expectations. She helps women embrace their own style of beauty and see themselves in a new light. You can find her on her website, ImanWoods[dot]com.
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