Last updated on April 8th, 2012 at 10:00 pm
Happy positive Thursday!
Last week, I blogged about gratitude and thankfulness and shared 80 “little things” I’m thankful for; everything from vegan curry to making plans for the future.
In the post, Positive Thursday: 80 Things to be Thankful for I wrote:
Gratitude is something so important to keep in mind as we pursue our dreams — and in our day-to-day lives. One of my favorite quotes is this:Â Happiness will never come to those who fail to appreciate what they already have!
I was recently reading The Daily Love and the words resonated in my mind long after reading. The post read: We become what we think and what we think is greatly determined by who we spend the most amount of time with.
As I come close to my six-month mark blogging for 8 Women Dream, I’m looking back on what as stayed the same and what has changed throughout the half year. I’ve gone through many changes, but the one thing that has stayed the same and has affected my life are …
Changes – graduating college, moving across the country, starting my first job, moving into a new apartment, meeting completely new friends, starting over.
Pretty weird, huh? That’s a lot of change in a short amount of time. I’m sure there are many changes you’ve experienced in the past six months too! Although these changes are both big and small, there are aspects of life that have stayed the same. In the midst of life’s changes,
Constants – unconditional love, support, encouragement, happiness, maintaining my blog, safety, working out a few days each week, security, spending time with friends, joy.
These constants in our life keep us from being overwhelmed by the changes. One “constant” I want to touch on briefly is just how important it is to surround yourself with supportive, encouraging people. In turn, these people teach you to be supportive and encouraging.
The Daily Love article explained it so perfectly:
Do you spend time with people who are constantly trashing your dreams? If so, then after time, you begin to believe their doubt and their fear; not because their doubt and fear are true, but because we are creatures of habit and our subconscious mind begins to absorb what we hear, especially the feedback from people we love and spend a lot of time with.
And if you start to believe their doubt, then soon you will begin to take action from that belief in doubt and BAM — the manifestation of the belief of doubt becomes real. Not because it’s true, but because the belief of doubt became your dominate thought pattern and that thought pattern influenced your actions and your actions produced the outcome.
As you pursue your dreams, a lot of life changes will take place. Spending time with people who believe in your dreams and recognizing the constants in your life that keep you sane is absolutely vital. Now, I’m no expert – but I do know that women who respect themselves, love themselves and believe in themselves should not and do not settle. The above words are so true – it’s so important to examine what you tolerate.
You have the choice and opportunity to select friends who believe in you and your dreams 100%. You should be surrounding yourself with people who encourage you to not only be yourself, but be better and happier each day. During the ups and downs of life changes, don’t settle for people who doubt you.
Don’t tolerate negativity, rudeness or insensitivity.
May today be the day you remind yourself just how far you’ve come in the past few days, weeks and months.
May today be the day you surround yourself with people who love you, support you and believe in you. And in turn, you love, support and believe in yourself.
May today be the day you tolerate only the best. The day you choose to not settle.
Enjoy your Thursday – and please share with me how you deal with the changes and constants in life.
Thanks! xo

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