Last updated on April 8th, 2012 at 08:03 pm
Today I want to chat briefly about devotion, dedication and passion. We all have dreams and goals for the future, but these are just far-fetched ideas unless we are ready to turn them into realities. This can’t and won’t happen by simply acknowledging your dreams, but actively dedicating yourself to the idea and making it happen.
Webster’s Online Dictionary defines devotion below:
a : the act of devoting <devotion of time and energy>b : the fact or state of being ardently dedicated and loyal<her devotion to the cause> <filial devotion>
Ardently dedicated and loyal. Another more commonly used word for ardently is passionately. You need to be 100% passionate about your dreams if you want them to be accomplished. I’m going to use myself as an example.
One of my goals and dreams is to find a public relations job in an environment conducive to professional and personal success.
There is NO way I will accomplish this goal by sitting on my bed staring at my computer.
There is NO way I will accomplish this goal by thinking about jobs, but not actively applying for them.
I’m going to put this as lightly as possible; pursuing your dreams is hard work. Being dedicated and devoted to your dreams will drain a lot of time and energy, but friend, it will pay off in the end.
I’ve discussed how pursuing dreams can sometimes be the most frustrating experience we go through. It’s a struggle sometimes. It entails conquering our fears and accepting small failures. The more invested in and dedicated to your dreams you are, the harder it is to accept little failures and get beyond fears. It may be scary, but it’s so vital to realize it’s just a small bump in the road.
For me, a small bump in the road or “failure” as you might put would be not getting offered a job that I want. I have two choices: give up and continue thinking about applying for another or dusting myself off and KEEP APPLYING. Life doesn’t always go as planned, but that’s the beauty of it. Fuel yourself up with your intense dedication, devotion and passion for your dream and make it happen.
Start today.
Go now.
And remember to smile and enjoy yourself as you continue pursuing and accomplishing your dream.
Today is positive Thursday after all!
Until next time,
XO —Andi
Thank you to everyone who commented on my post last week “8 Things You Need to Know about Failure” I always appreciate your thoughts, feedback and advice as we are all embarking on the journey of fulfilling our dreams and navigating life’s adventures. I want to clarify that I wouldn’t suggest approaching life “expecting” to fail, but realizing you can channel your small “failures” into bigger opportunities.

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