Last updated on May 17th, 2012 at 07:52 am
Somehow it’s already September. Another summer flew by just like last year’s – and the year before that. This sudden slipping away of my eternal sunshine was apparent by my time spent in Chicago this past weekend.
My Summer Travel to Chicago. Lake Michigan and Lake Shore Drive.
I left Phoenix Sky Harbor airport last Friday on a triple-digit-thermometer day thinking that was hot. I landed at Chicago Midway airport later that night. When I stepped off that plane, the moist, swampy humidity of 81 degrees stuck to my skin and wrapped around me like a fleece blanket. Very uncomfortable. I will go on record to say that Chicago was hotter than Phoenix.
I sweated. Got the worst sunburn of the year. Then two days after arriving, it stormed, turned windy and dropped to 58 degrees. Can this weather make up its mind? I am having serious wardrobe issues here.
Still chilly, I am writing this from my friend’s apartment wrapped in a fleece blanket trying to keep warm as I watch the distance Lake Michigan waves swell to four feet and crash over the shore and onto the runners jogging by.
Am I in San Francisco? What is this weather non-sense?
Before I bolt back to my predictable sunshine and no humidity in the northern Arizona mountains, I have some time to reflect on this past summer. It’s a chance for me to pause and be thankful for the experiences that came into my life from May-September in …
My Top 8 Summer Travel Blog Posts:
1. Bay to Breakers: Running Down a Dream
I stretched my physical limits by running the costumed and comical Bay to Breakers race in San Francisco.
2. How to Live the Dream and Move to London
I reconnected with one of my favorite friends who shared her story of how she moved to London for art school.
3. How to Live the Dream and Travel the World
I caught up with a family of three and their VW bus that has been roaming the world for almost two years.
4. American Travel Tribute: Top US Dream Travel Routes
I plotted out my favorite routes to take by train or automobile throughout the United States.
5. How to Live the Dream and Leave the Cubicle to Travel
I learned that traveling the world solo post-cubicle job is not only possible, but a heck of a lot of fun.
6.  How to Live the Dream as A Twenty-something Traveler
I connected with my favorite travel blogger who is setting the bar for twenty-something travel around the world.
7. Dreams 101: The Art of Doing Nothing
And for once, I learned to that it’s OK to slow down for a day and relax in The Art of Doing Nothing.
8. Our Dream Vacation Destinations
I gathered the dream vacation destinations of my fellow 8 Women Dream bloggers.
As always, I am grateful for the chance to share my experiences and top summer travel posts with you on 8 Women Dream.
What has been your top summer travel experience?

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