Last updated on July 14th, 2022 at 10:30 pm
As you begin your journey to make your big dream come true, you need to understand how you handle change.
Fear, depression, anger, elation, excitement, and joy are all pieces of the change puzzle and as you work to shift away from old ways of living to make room for working on your big dream you will bump up against all of these feelings.
It is a certainty that at some point you will cycle through strong emotions as you take risks to make what seems impossible possible.
Dr. James Prochaska, a professor of psychology at the University of Rhode Island developed the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change we know as the 5 Stages of Change.
Dr. Prochaska’s 5 stages are about the emotions you experience and your “change readiness,” and the following video has some great insights into the 5 Stages of Change –
The 5 Stages of Change –
1. Pre-contemplation — Where you aren’t interested in changing but are bothered by something.
2. Contemplation — Where you explore the possible benefits of changing.
3. Preparation — Where you gather tools and support.
4. Action — Where you take the steps necessary to change your life.
5. Maintenance — Where you are able to maintain the change.
If your dream is to be a success online then you must constantly live in a state of change because the Internet and technology are always changing. The medium itself is nothing but change and how you adapt to it. To become an influencer online means you swim in the pool of change.
Get used to it.
Michael Fullan, a Professor Emeritus of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto, who is recognized as a worldwide authority on educational reform and change, lists 8 Basic Lessons that can be learned about the process of change and improvement:
Lesson 1: You Can’t Mandate What Matters. The more complex the change, the less you can force it.
Lesson 2: Change is a Journey; Not a Blueprint. Change is non-linear, loaded with uncertainty and excitement, and sometimes perverse.
Lesson 3: Problems are Our Friends. Problems are inevitable and you can’t learn without them.
Lesson 4: Vision and Strategic Planning Come Later. Premature visions and planning blind.
Lesson 5: Individualism and Collectivism Must Have Equal Power. There are no one-sided, one-way solutions.
Lesson 6: Neither Centralization Nor Decentralization Works. The need for flexibility.
Lesson 7: Connection with the Wider Environment is Critical for Success. Can anyone say, “The buddy system?”
Lesson 8: Every Person is a Change Agent. Change is up to the person.
As you begin your hero’s journey of creating the life of your dreams, prepare yourself for change as it comes–because it will. Breathe it in and trust that it is part of the story that will lead you to your finish line.
Catherine Hughes is a magazine columnist, content creator, blogger, published writer, and former award-winning mom blogger. Catherine collaborates with companies to craft engaging web content and social media narratives. Her work, highlighting stories of the resilience and success of Northern California residents, appears in several print magazines. She treasures motherhood, her son, friendships, rugby, and animals.
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