Last updated on May 24th, 2019 at 11:23 am
Sometimes, to be truly happy, you have to follow your dreams.
But what do you do if you don’t know what your dream really is? Surprisingly enough, this is a common problem, and many people go through much of their life without discovering their passion, feeling unfulfilled and miserable — wishing they’d somehow become brave enough just to …
If this is you, don’t despair. What follows is a list of our 20 best stories on 8 Women Dream to help you take that first step on the road to living your dreams.
20 Stories On Living Your Dream Life By 8WomenDream
On getting started …
1. The 3 Steps To Finding Your Dream and Life Purpose
It is not unusual for creative thinkers to wake up one day and wonder if there is more to life–a big dream or life purpose–or look back on times when happiness seems easier and satisfaction brought the days to an end. Do you wonder if you are ever going to feel content with what you are doing with your life? It’s during the introspective questioning times that your subconscious does attempt with all of its might to get you to do more of what you love to do, and for whatever reason, you ignore those urges. [Read more…]
2. How To Get A Clear Vision of Your Big Dream
If you want a clear vision of your big dream, then it’s crucial that you accept that you are the person who holds the key to your success and failures by the way that you think. Your mind is a powerful tool in creating and achieving what your heart desires. Change your thoughts; change your life. Author and motivational speaker, John Assaraf advises that you try changing your thoughts for 30 days–much like a diet for your mind–to see real, effective change in your life. [Read more…]
3. How to Use Your Feelings To Manifest Your Big Dream
If you don’t honestly believe in your big dream or think you will be successful at achieving it, i.e., if you can’t “envision” it and feel it, it can be hard to make your dream come true. The world is full of challenges and obstacles to your dreams, and to push past them, you have to believe you can. You have to get beyond the “no’s.” Also, these include the “no’s” in your subconscious mind. If you have a vision, but you don’t believe in it fully yet, or don’t trust in your ability to accomplish the dream–if you cannot see and feel yourself achieving your vision–it can be challenging to get your dream off the ground. [Read more…]
3. 5 Warning Signs It Is Time To Find Your Dream
Whatever your story, I see signs everywhere people like you aren’t living their dreams. Yes, there really are signs. You may not see them, but I do. I see them in your behaviors . . . because I’ve been there too. Sometimes I think we can be so blind to the signs, we believe the life we are living is the way it has to be…[Read more…]
4. Find Your Life’s Passion in 5 Easy Steps
If you are like many dreamers, you have probably don’t know what to do that will make you happy. Some dreamers have many big dreams, so the idea of picking just one seems impossible, while others have no idea what it is they want to do with their lives. In both cases, these dreamers put off taking any formal action at all. You tell yourself, “I know I should do something else,” but you seem to come up with a million reasons (or tail-enders) for not attempting to find your dream and live your purpose. [Read more]
When dreaming gets hard …
5. 9 Reasons Why It Is Hard To Dream Big Dreams
It is said that to do something well you must enjoy it. Doing what you love, and going after a big dream, is well, more complicated. How do we trust what we are going after will be something in the end that we really want? How do we know it’s the right dream? And why is is so hard for some of us to find out what it is we dream of doing…? …[Read more…]
6. Free Download: Dream Inventory Checklist
One of the key things I’ve learned in the past year is that your dreams won’t go far if you do not have clearly defined, measurable goals and deadlines. It’s like saying you want to travel the French Champagne region in a day with no road map, no time-frame of when places close and un peu Francias. You won’t get far. But good thing you have the Dream Inventory and the Set Your Dream Goals Worksheet on your side… [Read more …]
7. 2 Iron-Clad Commandments for Personal Finance Success
Many modern money management programs come with all kinds of bells and whistles and virtually automate all your financial tasks for you. Not YNAB. There’s a philosophy behind YNAB, embodied in four rules. I’m just going to talk about two of them today — the two that hit home with me most strongly. In fact, I’m going to call these two rules commandments.. [Read more…]
8. Want Dream Success And Happiness: Join or Start a Group
It’s should come as no surprise that social interaction in the form of joining a group can be one of the most important contributors to our happiness and dream success. According to research by Daniel Kahneman, Alan B. Krueger, and others, the daily activities most closely associated with happiness are social–having sex, socializing after work, and having dinner with friends. Joining a group that meets just once a month produces the same increase in happiness as doubling your income … [Read more …]
Staying in the game …
9. Keep The Faith That The Universe Will Deliver On Your Dreams
Faith plus action equals miracles, so often, because we are in motion, doing the work, and we are keeping the faith that the universe will support us in living our dreams. When we operate from this space, we allow space for miracles in our lives, because we believe in the possibility of it… [Read more…]
10. How To Find Time To Work on Your Dream
One of the hardest parts about dreaming is finding the time to work on your dream. There is usually more than one way to get a certain task done. It doesn’t matter what the task is if it needs to get done we as wives, mothers, women find the time and energy. Unless the task is related to bettering ourselves (mentally, physically or intelligently) to take us one step closer to our dreams — then all bets are off… [Read more …]
11. How to Turn Up the Heat on Your Frozen Dreams
Have you ever been frozen or stuck on your dream path? In thinking about it, what I’ve realized is that sometimes we can get so close to it — we want so much for our dreams to happen- we lose our ability to be objective and see situations clearly for what they are — and that can get in our way of knowing simply what next steps to take… [Read more…]
12. 7 Strategies for Dreaming Big Dreams
On my path of dreaming big dreams to become a Top Photographer, I read a lot of business books. This year I took on Bob Scotts’ 52-week Business Development Challenge – and in reading today, I came across a great quote, “Your business is like a child, so protect it at all costs. We have a responsibility to the business — like a child, it needs to be nurtured and protected.” If you think about it, a similar statement could be spoken to us dreamers, too … [Read more…]
Finding dream inspiration …
13. Who Wants To Make A Million Dollars?
What is your million dollar idea? I keep notebooks filled with ideas for products and new technology. Having the time to implement them and knowing which one to work on are my biggest issues. I have received some great advice about making a million dollars and I’ve compiled most of them below for you to review… [Read more…]
14. The Top 48 Most Motivational and Inspirational Web Sites
Where do you get your inspiration? The terms motivation and inspiration can mean different things to different people. The sites represent a comprehensive list of web sites where we can find inspiration or motivation to help keep us moving toward our dreams… [Read more…]
15. Top 8 Books To Help You Become A Successful Entrepreneur
As your resident serial entrepreneur (read: I don’t sleep) I want to share the pile of books that I am reading my way through in my ongoing quest for what makes my business ventures work. There are a ton of books out there — some good, some great, and some I’d wished I’d never picked up. What makes a good business book in my opinion? Here is the criteria that keep me turning pages … [Read more…]
16. Positive Thursday: 8 Things You Are Not
You are not your job, your family, your relationships, your material possessions, others’ perceptions, your past, your success, your body. You are of value completely outside of these eight aspects of life. And you are loved and worthy right where you are at… [Read more…]
Living the dream …
17. Tips From India: How To Make This Year A Year of Miracles
Delhi, India is everything I imagined it would be, and more: a jewel, with its magnificent temples, mosques and forts; colorful and loud, with its crowded, dusty streets; and full of soul, like its people, dark eyes shining back at me as I walk full of awe through the carnival that is a Delhi marketplace or street… [Read more…]
18. Hawaii Dream: When Pele Speaks – I Listen
In Hawaii, I visited a really ritzy hotel in Kona for a luxurious massage. I was seduced by an ad in the in-flight magazine. Who could resist? It had everything: the lush setting, the koa wood lockers, and a private cabana deep in a leafy oasis. It was a sunny day with a soft breeze. The thatched cabana had open windows all around and a fan spinning lazily above … [Read more]
19. 8 Women Dream Run The Bay To Breakers And Survive
Many of the dreamers weren’t sure if this was something they could accomplish in their lives. Age, illness and injuries worried some and right up to the day of the event no one shared their deepest fears that they might not be able to make it to the end of the bay To Breakers … [Read more…]
20. How To Live The Dream And Travel The World
Most travel dreams or travel journeys that people live out seem impossible to achieve, and it seems as though the dreamers are people you would never encounter in real life. That’s why I’m infatuated with this one–it’s real people who I know, who left real jobs to seek out a real adventure in a really awesome car. The difference between dreaming and reality is doing… [Read more …]
Are you living your dream life? Do you have a dream story you’d like to share to inspire others to start living their dreams? Email us at eightwomendream(at) and we’ll feature you in a future dream story.
Catherine Hughes is a magazine columnist, content creator, blogger, published writer, and former award-winning mom blogger. Catherine collaborates with companies to craft engaging web content and social media narratives. Her work, highlighting stories of the resilience and success of Northern California residents, appears in several print magazines. She treasures motherhood, her son, friendships, rugby, and animals.
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