Last updated on December 30th, 2019 at 03:26 pm
Setting a plan to change your life for what to achieve your big dream will help you look at the areas in your life holding you back. It may seem challenging to think about the things you need to take control over for your big dream to come true, but no one can make necessary life changes all at once.
So breathe.
You should start with one idea to work on at a time so that success is possible. Think baby steps.
My big dream is to help you make your big dream a priority in your life. I want to teach you how to follow a dream plan and achieve success.
To start changing your life, I want you to notice what you enjoy each day. Then at the end of the day, make a shortlist of the things you enjoyed.
Record them somewhere.
Even if it is to write on your hand as you drift off to sleep and then transfer the list on the next day into a journal, your computer, your day-planner–wherever you store them for review.
You are more likely to succeed at changing your life to live your dreams if you can understand where you are right now and what it is you love spending time doing. You’d be surprised at what you find out about yourself with this process.
If it is too difficult for you to think about the things you love to do because it’s too painful, then flip this question to “I Feel Worst When [fill in the blank]” and make a list of the things you don’t like in your day-to-day activities.
As you begin to gather your list information, pay attention to what you love as well as what you need to change so that your big dream has a chance to come true.
Maybe on your list of “don’t like” you notice that when you binge on sweets in the afternoon, you don’t have the energy to take the night class you need to obtain new skills to change your career.
Maybe your inability to say no is getting in the way of you working on what you want. Whatever it is, you need to look at the small things that are holding you back as well as those things you love doing
Self-sabotage will show up on your lists, and the first key to dream success is understanding where you are right now and what behaviors might be holding you back as well as making sure that each day you are participating in at least one action that you love–one that is just for you.
I am a type-A personality. I believe this is in part due to having a thyroid disorder. Thyroid sufferers tend to overthink and want to fix everything. I have to understand this about myself if I am to be successful at creating lasting change in my life. I want to teach women to take a chance on their big dream, but first, I must address my lingering thyroid issues.
To begin as part of my daily list of things I love, I’ll track whether I feel energetic or tired and how taking care of myself impacts my health. On the days my energy is low, I’ll document what I may have done to contribute to being tired. If I correct my mistakes: going to bed too late, not going for a walk or spending time in nature, not taking my medication at the correct time, allowing gluten, and not drinking enough water–it gives me a sense of power and control over meeting the demands of changing my life. As I list the days I love walking in nature and notice how they correspond with days I achieved more towards making my dream come true, I can feel motivated to walk more.
The idea is to build on more of the things that make you feel good and remove more of the actions that make you feel bad.
I realize that if you hate your job and you have to do it to support your family that it can be hard just getting through the day. But when you are immersed in duties that drain you–try with all of your might to find the good in what you are living through. Supporting yourself and your family is a positive feat, and keeping a list of tasks you do like to do will help you get through your darkest days.
Having a big dream to focus on lifts your spirits and allows you to look at that job you hate as venture capital to fund your bigger vision. It’s all in how you frame it.
Don’t be afraid to look at what is holding you back from changing your life to live your dreams. But be kind and know that you are doing the very best that you can. Start by making a list.
Catherine Hughes
Catherine Hughes is a magazine columnist, content creator, blogger, published writer, and former award-winning mom blogger. Catherine collaborates with companies to craft engaging web content and social media narratives. Her work, highlighting stories of the resilience and success of Northern California residents, appears in several print magazines. She treasures motherhood, her son, friendships, rugby, and animals.
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