Hello my amazing readers!
Thank you so much for reading all my posts about achieving my dream of becoming a motivational speaker this past year.
And thank you for accepting me, and for being open to hearing my stories about life in South Africa — learning about other cultures, and how I plan to change my life and the lives of so many others.
This past weekend I celebrated my birthday, and in South Africa on October 26, we also celebrate Eid Ul Fitr, a holy day in the Islamic religion.
My weekend was filled with family, special moments and everything I could have dreamed of.
When the clock struck 12 a.m. on the day of my birthday, I was lying on the couch in my husband’s arms. Emotions overwhelmed me. Looking back over my 20’s I thought about all that has happened to me in the past year, and most importantly, how I had the courage to break away from personal battles that had plagued me for too long. My husband made me feel like a queen with the words and wishes he had for me at the start of my birthday.
We soon moved from the couch into the kitchen to cook for the holy day, Eid. I felt blessed to have the time alone with him. It was the perfect beginning to the last year of my 20’s.
I am now 29.
For the first time in years I feel happy — with myself, with my achievements, and the path that I am taking to achieve my dreams.
So here is what my South African birthday looked like —
We celebrated Eud-ul-adha, also called the, “Feast of the Sacrifice.” On this day we dress up in Fancy outfits, enjoy too much food, and share in the experience of being with the ones we love. I was surrounded by family and in the morning we attended a ceremony where I actually witnessed my first religious sacrifice of a ram. This was symbolic of what Abraham did in the Bible or as we would call the “Injil.” After the ceremony, I was bombarded with dream birthday wishes, family and love. The afternoon I had lunch with my husband, Aslam’s family, where we feasted on traditional Cape Malay Food.
After visiting with his family, I headed home where my family to would arrive to enjoy in our Eid Supper. I cooked a traditional chicken pie, Malay curry, chicken with roasted potatoes, roasted vegetables and two kinds of rice.

My mom and dad told my guest about the time doctors said I had a hole in my heart and would not live long. But they believed I would make it... Thanks mom and dad for the kind words
The evening felt blessed. Three friends popped by to say Happy Birthday. What I loved most about the day was that my sister from Kimberley showed up for my birthday, We cried tears of joy over her growing baby-belly.
At one point, everyone decided to offer their birthday wishes to me in a speech. I became overwhelmed with emotion as each of them shared their thoughts about me and what I mean to them. I was asked to stand on a chair when they wanted to sing Happy Birthday. I was embarrassed, but with all the singing, I could not help but laugh.
By the end of the evening, I was left with a happy heart.
Now that I am 29-years-old, I am more determined than ever to make my bigger dreams come true. I already have a successful blog and I am the spokesperson of a new foundation, “Inspirational Women International.”
I believe that many doors will now open for me because of all the hard work I’ve done over the past year. Making your dreams come true means many sleepless hours of work and a willingness to do what you have agreed to do — no matter how tired, or sick you are.
You have to show up for your dream every single day. You have to do what you say you will do.
I made a promise to myself as my birthday came to a close: I will make the last year of my 20’s fantastic and change my life in ways I’ve only dreamed of.
It’s a promise I intend to keep.
And to update you on my dream progress, this week I was asked to speak at a women’s event on the 15th of December.
The person who approached me used these words :
Hi Sue!
Were having a event on the 15 December in Cape Town. The theme is for ladies to feel inspired and to love themselves. I love your blog, Just pursue It and was wondering if you could maybe be the speaker at the the event?
My answer was Yes! Thank You universe!
Now if that is not a sign that my dreams are coming true, then I don’t know what is. I am ready to inspire women in my city, country, and then the world.
What about you? What will you do this year?
Will you just pursue it?
Love, Sue

Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
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