Last updated on November 14th, 2019 at 09:58 pm
Good things are happening with my big dream because I was brave and took steps toward my dream that took me out of my comfort zone. My new job is going well and my foundation is blossoming. I have to admit that I was scared but after the first week, I soon realized I landed exactly where I am supposed to be working.
Walking bravely towards your dream life has its rewards.
You simply have to trust the process and understand that certain types of fear are really just excited feelings we often wrongly associate with bad outcomes.
In gratitude for all the good that is happening in my life, this week I want to provide you with 16 gratitude quotes you can use as affirmations to remind you that gratitude will keep you bravely focused on your dream journey.
16 Gratitude Quotes and Affirmations
1. I am grateful for the gift of 86,400 seconds that I have today for making my dream come true.
2. Today I am thankful for my past which leads me to this moment where my dream journey begins anew.
3. I am grateful for the path my dream is taking me down.
4. Today I am grateful for fear. For when I act bravely my fear disappears, and abundance appears.
5. I praise my big dream and the ability to be brave by practicing gratitude in this minute.
6. Let me be grateful today to people who help me with my big dream; they are the charming gardeners who make my dream grow and flourish.
7. I am so happy and grateful now that my big dream has come true.
8. Today I am filled up with appreciation and gratitude for each brave step I take in making my dream come true.
9. I am grateful for the release of any negative emotions about my dream journey thus far and I accept the abundant flow of dream assistance entering into my life right now!
10. I am grateful for the opportunity to be brave and make my big dream come true.
11. My dream needs are being generously met. For this I am thankful.
12. My soul rejoices for my big dream experiences so I engage in gratitude at this moment.
13. I am grateful for my wonderful dream possibilities and the potential for making my big dream come true on this day.
14. In gratitude I am unattached to specific dream outcomes; everything that comes to me is perfect for my dream success.
15. All that my dream beholds, sometimes difficult and slow is full of blessings and for this I am grateful.
16. My dream struggle ends when my gratitude begins, therefore I am grateful.
I want to give a shout out to thought leaders like Jack Canfield, and Oprah for their gratitude statements which I reworded into affirmations big dreamers can use.
Gratitude Research Holds Promise
Joel Wong and Joshua Brown of Greater Good Science conducted a gratitude research study involving nearly 300 adults and they found the following four insights into what might be behind gratitude’s positive psychological benefits:
1. Gratitude unshackles us from toxic emotions.
2. Gratitude helps even if you don’t share it.
3. Gratitude’s benefits take time.
4. Gratitude has lasting effects on the brain.
The positive benefits of practicing gratitude have been proven in several studies. They are a powerful ally in your time of need and when you are feeling discouraged. Working on a big dream is not for the faint of heart and it certainly takes a great deal of positive reinforcement to keep yourself on track.
Try writing these sixteen affirmations listed above on paper each day, or place one on your bathroom mirror or on your refrigerator. Keep reminding yourself to be grateful whenever you can. Set a calendar reminder notification appointment to practice a moment of gratitude–anything fun that will catch you in the moment and cause you to pause and say a gratitude statement. Try it for 30 days. I promise you’ll begin to see a change in your daily life.
Take 100% responsibility for the life you are currently living. Be grateful for what you have and remember to practice bravery each day by reaching for the stars.
You can at least be grateful for the stars!
Sue Faith Levy
Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
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