Last updated on May 17th, 2023 at 08:35 pm
Do not underestimate the importance of finding your life’s mission when seeking happiness.
I am finding happiness now by discovering that my true life’s mission is saving girls from oppression and abuse and helping to ensure that girls globally receive a good education.
Of course, this is a huge, lifelong mission, and it is not something that I can do on my own. I need the help of so many others, and I am already partnering with many incredible organizations to support their efforts to educate girls globally.
Put An End to Oppression
I cannot believe that today, we are reading news reports like those that come in from Afghanistan. I still cannot believe that in 2014, on my birthday, a terrorist group named Boko Haram kidnapped a few hundred girls to prevent them from receiving an education and to sell them into sexual slavery.
How can women and girls still be treated so barbarically anywhere on the planet today? I truly believe that we are all responsible for standing up and uniting as one human family, raising our voices, and joining in action to show dire human rights violations against women are simply unacceptable and must end now.
Boko Haram translates to “Western education is a sin.” Cowardly male terrorists do not want women to receive an education because they want to treat them as sexual slaves and objects. The world cannot stand back and watch countries abuse women en masse without intervening. I have dedicated my life to making a difference for underserved women in all possible ways.
What That Looks Like For Me
I have long supported organizations like OneMama that save mamas and babies by providing safe birthing clinics for African families. I donate money and my time to, and am happy to help them whenever and however I can.
I have supported the efforts of ISIS (International Sisterhood in Solidarity), a school for girls in Ghana that provides them with tools to become more empowered and have better self-esteem, and ultimately live their dreams.
I am now also a supporter of Girl Rising (, which supports girls’ education globally. I help fundraise for the organization and am working to find other ways to help.
These Are Our Daughters
I have not yet been blessed with a daughter of my own, so the world’s girls are my daughters. If I had a daughter of my own, I would consider it my job to keep her safe from predators, build her self-esteem so that she will never tolerate abuse from a man in the future, and ensure that she gets a good education.
Since I don’t have this particular blessing in my life right now, I consider all the girls in the world to be my daughters. I want to help ensure that all girls globally get a good education and are safe and free from oppression and harm.
It is a colossal mission. But I am young, full of energy, and have time and money to give. Once I become wealthy, I aim to build schools for girls in Africa, Afghanistan, India, and other places where women are not yet treated as equals to men.
I want to build leadership schools for girls that train them to be strong, empowered, self-confident, and to be ready to blaze their own trail and take on the world.
Taking Action
United as one human family, standing for these girls, we can all make a difference. Take action today to help the girls being abused throughout the world. Write to your elected officials to ask for more support for girls, sign the petitions, and give money to organizations like Girl Rising or OneMama.
Together we can make a difference and make the world safer for our girls. These girls deserve a chance to create a happy future and to give back to society. And that’s a big dream worth our efforts.

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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