Last updated on April 2nd, 2012 at 12:29 pm
On Saturday I went to the movie with girlfriends.
I love going to the movies. The movie The Social Network was quite entertaining. Last week I talked a bit about Mark Zuckerburg. He was on Oprah and I was impressed with the way he handled the interview.
Even though I’ve had a Facebook page for a long time, I had no idea of what went on behind the scenes. The one thing I was left with that pertained to following your dream, is that no matter what else is going on in your life, your dream drags your ass around wherever it wants to.
I decided to Google some how do I become a rapper sites. Not only did I find some amazing answers and detailed steps, I was stoked to find out I was doing almost everything they suggested.
That made me aware that there is style to achieving your dream. I used to do multilevel marketing and I never forgot how this person in my “up-line” would say “fake it till you make it.” It was good advice. It works in lots of situations.
The first thing I saw on the rap instruction page was number 6. It resonated with me in more ways than one. Even though it is the hardest thing to do, it is the most important:
Stop thinking.
The more you mull shit over, procrastinating, worrying, analyzing, the more it takes you away from the dream. Sensation is the key. How does it feel in your body? It’s kind of like dancing, just stop thinking, let go and let it happen.
So I am going to use number 6 as a mantra all week. I will get out of my own way so my dream has a relaxed, non-judgmental space to hang out in. Oh yea, the word “spit” in number 6 is a rap term.
6. Stop thinking. Just spit and go with your gut feelings, and just let yourself fall into it. If you think too much about your next line you are going to trip up and stumble over it. Just let your mind flow freely from one thought to the next. Practice and writing will help you learn how to do this. ~ the wikiHow site
Doesn’t this sound like a good idea?
Even for other things in your life. We just need to take a big deep breath and drop our shoulders and know our dreams are coming true.
What is your style of dreaming?
Keep it real –
Laurie always has several amazing dreams going on at one time. In November of 2010 she left 8 Women Dream to work more on Club B and her NIA business.

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