Last updated on July 1st, 2022 at 05:26 pm
Thanksgiving is upon us and I want to remind all the dreamers in the world to take a moment on Thanksgiving to laugh, enjoy your family and friends, and be grateful for all you have. It is said that when we are grateful for what we have, it opens up the opportunity for greater abundance.
Being grateful helps us to stay on track with our dreams, move forward with our goals, and pay attention to the many blessings in our lives that we may be taking for granted.
Be grateful for your dream come true – visualize your dream and then give thanks for having it in your life – then release it and believe it will come true.
And finally, remember to laugh and enjoy this time. Here’s a funny story from my Thanksgiving last year –
My youngest daughter wrote a beautiful, thought-out story at school about all the things she was thankful for and wanted to read it at Thanksgiving. There were a couple of meaningful parts in the story that was meant for her Grandfather, and her Great-Grandmother to hear, who lost their spouses in the previous years.
So before dinner, she read her moving story. The room was quiet and she read it well. Everyone clapped. I looked over at her Grandfather and Great-Grandmother, expecting them to look proud or sad or happy. Instead, they were conversing together with puzzled looks on their faces.
Ends up, that they didn’t have their hearing aids turned up and couldn’t hear a darn thing! I didn’t have the heart to make my daughter read it over again, the moment was gone.
If you are having trouble feeling grateful, I’ve included this video in the hope that it helps you –
In gratitude,
Kim Aikawa

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