Last updated on July 27th, 2014 at 09:55 pm
Thank you for your great responses last week.
Kris I am not sure if sky diving in a bikini would be wise but definitely an adventure! Just kidding! A wild bikini has now been added to my list.  Yes to Catherine and Danelle. Come join me for a midlife crises and yes to Kim. Go back to school.
This week has flown by. My husband and I went to Arcata to visit my Uncle Stanley and Aunt Mabry. My uncle was my original painting partner for over two years before he moved. He is my “favorite uncle” which I can say without offense since he is my “only” uncle. I come from a very small family.
My uncle and I spent Monday painting the boats in Eureka while my husband and aunt went kayaking. The wonderful thing about being a plein air painter is how many interesting people you get to meet when painting in public. We must have had at least a dozen locals stop to talk. The painting invites people to open up. Within a short amount of time we found out who owned what boat, heard one fisherman’s harrowing tale of almost sinking at night, an other’s story of a daring rescue at sea, and about one woman’s own dream to paint.
The “icing on the cake” was receiving a phone call that evening informing me that I had won a “Best of Show” award at the Napa Fair. I believe I put this image in before but below is the painting I won with.
After returning from our trip to Arcata my husband and I did visit two tattoo parlors in Cotati.  This tattoo business is something I want to plan carefully since it will be there to the end.  I am still looking for midlife crises suggestions or shares. I added hot air balloon ride to my growing list.
(Wendy’s dream is still to become a influential international artist, but she left 8 Women Dream in March of 2010 to complete grad school. She is still a strong supporter of 8 Women Dream and you will see her in the comments on the blog.)

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