Last updated on July 6th, 2022 at 04:54 pm
It’s almost impossible to go a day this week without hearing people talk about the highly anticipated royal wedding of Kate Middleton to Prince William. If people aren’t talking in person, it’s all over social media and the news. And tomorrow is the big day.
The Royal Wedding.
The day when a commoner marries royalty and millions of viewers watch the elaborate ceremony – glued to their television or computer screen.
Kate (or Catherine, as she prefers to be called) will be 29 when she walks down the aisle tomorrow. That’s seven long years older than me – and by long, I mean, extremely short. Is it just me or do your 20s fly by?! As I’m sitting here typing this, I can’t help but think what exactly is running through the future Queen Catherine’s mind.
Her life is about to drastically change tomorrow – and it’s reminding me just how much things can change when you do achieve your dream.
Marrying Prince William has obviously been a big dream for Kate Middleton, as she waited eight years for him to pop the big question.
Now, her big dream is going to turn into reality.
I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that most of us won’t be dreaming things like marrying the future king of England – but our dreams come in all shapes and sizes.
Being in your 20s is a key point in life.
It’s a time to grow, evolve, learn, and embrace who you are. I can’t talk from experience about what it’s like to be engaged or get married, but I believe you come to a point where you truly are okay with who YOU are as an individual. Kate appears to be a very calm and composed person who is truly ready to take on the limelight as the future queen of England.
From what I’ve seen on TV and read in magazines, she carries herself with poise and grace. That’s not something that always comes naturally. It comes with experience and over time . . . and your 20s are the perfect time for learning those lessons to reach this mindset.
According to royal expert Katie Nichols,
“She is middle-class, she’s not an aristocrat. She’s a real breath of fresh air for the House of Windsor…So, absolutely, she’s going to change it, but I think … for the better.”
This is what makes the wedding so exciting! The Royal Wedding happening tomorrow is a Cinderella-story romance that has the whole world talking. It’s out-of-the-ordinary. It’s “a breath of fresh air.”
“When thinking about the Royal Wedding and Kate Middleton, I feel inspired.”
I’m sure she never imagined growing up that she would be the future queen of England. I’m sure she had people telling her that Prince William would never propose to her. I’m sure that people have told her she will never fit in, not do a good job, etc., etc., etc. In that way, she’s one of us. Isn’t there always at least one person who always points out our flaws and tries to bring us down?
What’s important is that we don’t feed into their negativity.
I’m reminded of a sign I had hanging in my bedroom back at home: Keep Calm and Carry On. People will say what they want to say, but that doesn’t mean we have to believe them. Continue learning, growing, and evolving into who you want to be. Continue pursuing your dreams despite minor holdups.
- May today be the day you don’t compromise who you are and what you want based on what other people say or think.
- May today be the day you choose to be calm, cool, and collected. Breathe, relax. Whether your dream is being achieved tomorrow or in two years, smile and tell yourself “Good job! I did it!”
- May today be the day you view yourself as “royalty” in a way. You deserve the absolute best and to treat yourself with love, joy, and compassion. Respect yourself. Love yourself.
Keep calm and carry on.
Andi Teggart
Andi Teggart is the owner of Lucky Collective, a digital marketing and event planning shop.

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