Last updated on June 18th, 2024 at 01:04 pm

Once upon a time, in 1982, a future queen was born to commoners in Berkshire, England. Her name was Kate Middleton. While many girls dream of marrying a prince, Kate Middleton will live out her big Royal Wedding dream in just four days on April 29.
Almost an exact year after Kate’s birth, this self-proclaimed princess, me, another Katherine, was born into the commoner, middle-class life on the other side of the world. Kate and I both grew up excelling in many sports and academics.
However, she was again lucky enough to attend the finest schools in England, which included being classmates with Prince William.
In 2001, Kate Middleton and Prince William began dating. On the other hand, I could only develop a huge crush on the prince from the other side of the world. But if I have to lose my prince and watch my royal dream wedding happen to anyone else, I’m happy to see Kate Middleton take the multi-tiered traditional fruit cake with 16 different blooms.
Why I Love Kate Middleton
- It’s not every day I can cheerlead for a fair-skinned, light-eyed, athletically inclined brunette who openly admitted, “I’m a bit thick in the past.”
- She’s fearless; she follows her own style.
- She’s a competitor.
- She’s been rowing competitively to complement her pre-wedding Dukan Diet 23-inch waist! Not to mention, she’s played sports her whole life. This primped princess can kick ass!
- She parties in Day-Glo.
- A favorite pastime of my friends, too. Life’s too short to be polished all the time. Nice to know the future queen can let loose.
- Lastly, she shares many milestone characteristics of a typical twenty-something–she’s held multiple jobs, switched careers, and experienced the “break-up-and-make-up” cycle of love.

Any twenty-something who has ever struggled or questioned any part of their career can appreciate anyone who has done the same. Kate Middleton attended the University of St. Andrews, where she met the handsome prince and received a degree in the History of Art. After college, she worked briefly as an accessory buyer for the accessory chain Jigsaw. It was rumored that she would quit to become a professional photographer, but this did not happen.
Instead, Middleton started working for her parent’s party supply company. Now, she’ll never have to work a day, but it’s nice for the future princess to jump back and forth with career choices and feel the indecisive burden of fully experiencing your 20s.
Kate Middleton, the girl-next-door-turned-princess, is my style icon, favorite “celebrity,” and a new reason to believe in myself again. I, a middle-class, Midwestern Missourian girl next door, can dream bigger than my small-town roots.
Kate Middleton gives me hope—not that I will marry the King of England one day, but that anyone from anywhere can live out a dream that’s bigger than themselves.
Katie Eigel
Katie Eigel is a self-proclaimed #WineGeekInTraining who spends her days writing for various wine publications. Since writing this royal wedding dream story, her wedding dream has come true, and she is happily enjoying life married to her very own prince charming.

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