Last updated on July 18th, 2022 at 04:17 pm
I’m Sumia Faith Levy from South Africa. I have probably written this article ten times in my head–so nervous to even touch the keyboard! Why?
Just because I always get what I call the “Good nerves” before I start a new journey in my life. For example, I had it when on my first day of college, always have it before I meet people, and I had the nerves multiplied just before my husband put the ring on my finger on my wedding day.
So it’s normal, it’s just me being Sue.
So am I not intimidated by the whole world reading about my big dreams? Okay, maybe just a little bit. Who wouldn’t be, right?
Sharing my dream stories with you and allowing the world to have a sneak peek into my deepest thoughts and dreams is rather exciting and honorable.
Do you ever find yourself in situations where you are challenged to do a certain task, yet you shy away because they are this stupid little voice inside your head going “No, but what if” or “You don’t know how to do that“? That was exactly what was going through my mind as I was deciding to write about dreaming big.
So after good self-talk (I have loads of those), I decided to pursue it and take up the challenge. By profession, I am a Media designer that creates websites, video productions, and any print material. I’m the person people come to when they want me to remove their wrinkles in Photoshop before they post their images on Facebook. Yes, I do that. I even do virtual boob jobs, tummy tucks, and facelifts.
It’s a motivational platform for women and men around the world who feel they need a dash of positive energy or just a word of advice. I try to always be positive in my posts as I feel the world needs more of that. I love writing and I love inspiring others. I also realized that all my friends always feel they can speak to me about a personal issue which must mean that I’m approachable, right?
Having this nagging urge to go to school and motivate young girls and women. It has always been a dream of mine.
Sadly I was bullied as a kid; I know how a negative word can stay with you for years. But I’m going to pursue to change that, I’m not going to allow any more negative talk to affect the youth and women of this world. I will make sure I plant the seed of motivation in townships, schools, and whoever I will be welcomed. With believing in myself I graduated in Multimedia Technology, became a Fashion Model, and walked ramps of fashion weeks, I met the man of my dreams and now am a mother to the cutest little girl in my world.
We need to apply positive and self-love in our daily lives. That is why I am here, today my dreams of becoming a Motivational International Speaker and author begin. Today I pursue my dreams no matter how impossible they seem. Because I know “I’m Possible” of achieving it with hard work and dedication.
Sue Faith Levy
Sue Levy is the co-founder of a South African Foundation for women to share the word of motivation with young women and girls through workshops, talks, and collaboration of events.

Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
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