Last updated on July 6th, 2022 at 06:22 pm
This week’s work to manifest my big dream took me on a path to meet an old friend for lunch at the Illium Cafe on Monument Square in Troy, New York. I sat across from someone I had collaborated on multiple community projects. His name is Don, and he is the city historian for Schenectady, New York.
While I munched on roasted vegetables over greens, Don shared with me the latest list of his successes, which included building an accurate replica of a Dutch ship from the 17th century. Don had the big dream vision, years ago, to reconstruct New York’s first ship from 1614, using the same materials and building techniques used back then.
Over three years, he’d managed to assemble a dedicated volunteer crew and donations in the millions to make his dream vision come to life. The ship is a floating museum for New York state history.
You have to keep looking beyond the ‘No,'” Don said. “It’s natural that many people will be skeptical when you present them with a big dream vision,” Don said. “You have to go beyond the ‘no’s’ and keep looking for the ‘yes’s’ as you build your ‘dream team.'”
Don could see it happening, held onto his beliefs, and stayed faithful to his mission. Thus, he manifested his big dream.
While still enjoying lunch we encountered Greg, a long-time friend of mine, with his friend, Irwin and his wife. They ended up joining us for lunch too. I told Irwin what I do for a living, and he said that he had worked with a career coach for years, and had just taken an exciting new job. He shared with me a formula for success that his coach had shared with him.
It struck me as an essential way to frame things. Below is the formula that his coach shared.
A Formula for Manifesting Your Dream
Thoughts + Feelings + Actions = Results
Big dreamers should look at the formula like this:
Vision + Feelings + Action = Big Dream Realized
If you don’t honestly believe in your big dream or think you will be successful at achieving it, i.e., if you can’t “envision” it and feel it, it can be hard to make your dream come true. The world is full of challenges and obstacles to your dreams, and to push past them, you have to believe you can. You have to get beyond the “no’s.”
Also, these include the “no’s” in your subconscious mind. If you have a vision, but you don’t believe in it fully yet, or don’t trust in your ability to accomplish the dream–if you cannot see and feel yourself achieving your vision–it can be challenging to get your dream off the ground.
When you feel sure that you can live your dreams, when you can visualize your happening, and when you already have mentally experienced the joy of what it will be like to “receive” and experience your success, a dream can almost take care of itself.
Feel Your Way To Manifesting Your Dream
Don’s story was such an important reminder of how you feel is also critical to living your dream. If you are moving towards your goals but feeling discouraged or hopeless, it’s harder to muster up the energy it takes to put the extra time in, to summon creative inspiration, and to push past obstacles.
How can you cultivate that feeling of success and accomplishment? How can you continue to feel good in the face of challenges as you work towards your big dream?
It is a matter of knowing what helps us perform at our best, whether that includes exercise, meditation, eating healthy, positive thought affirmations, or other practices. I think that it helps tremendously to surround yourself with a “Dream Team” of people who believe in you and who will cheer you on as you work toward accomplishing your dream.
It’s vital to regularly visualize yourself achieving success until it feels natural to imagine it. You can produce those feelings of joy and success within yourself by seeing your dream as a reality already. Finally, I think it’s important to do things regularly that make you happy. Your happiness is not frivolous. Being filled with joy in general also makes you more energized and ready to tackle whatever life throws your way.
If playing music, dancing, hiking in the woods, being with children, caring for animals, or gardening, makes you happy, then be sure to include that in your life regularly to help ensure your happiness, which will, in turn, help you live your dreams. The Law of Attraction teaches that being happy brings more joy and more success. When you feel down, you feel less energized and less willing to fight for your dreams.
When you’re happy, you’re ready to do what needs to be done to live your biggest dreams. So life is fun in the meantime, which matters since it’s all about the journey in the end.
8 Actions:
1. Declutter your dream space.
Create an area in your home that is specifically dedicated to your dream. It doesn’t matter if it’s a corner in the garage, but it’s a special place set up just for you to work on your dream. Declutter it, organize it, and make sure that everything in your space inspires you to take action.
2. Visualize success.
See yourself living your dreams. When you can see it in your mind’s eye, you can achieve it. Create a vision board of what your accomplished dream will look like when complete.
3. Do things that make you happy.
Cultivating happiness is a gift to yourself, those in your life, and the world because you’re more likely to be successful and live your dreams when you are happy. Visualize your dream coming true when you feel the happiest or at a happy moment.
4. Take action steps regularly.
Keep moving towards your dreams, and they will eventually become a reality. Do one thing–even if it is one small thing like clearing your desk. Any action will build momentum to take further action. Starting small is OK.
6. Move past the “No’s” to the “Yes’s!”
In both your mind and the outer world, keep presenting your dream vision and find a tribe of supportive people who will say YES to it. Your tribe is your Dream Team, and they can help you make your dream a reality. Don’t take the ‘no’s’ personally. Dust your ego off and keep looking for those who will say yes.
7. Work with a Dream-Team to achieve success.
At 8WomenDream we are fortunate to have each other as a cheering squad as we work to accomplish our dreams. Surround yourself with positive people who help you make your dreams come true. Join a group or create a group. Find your tribe!
8. Practice gratitude.
Each night before you drift off to sleep name three things you are grateful for and write them down. Studies have shown that people who regularly practice gratitude increased their dopamine production which galvanizes the brain to seek more of the same. Being grateful will help you recognize an important opportunity when you see it.
Can you envision realizing success for your biggest dreams? Then practice seeing your dream vision coming true with all of the positive feelings and emotions you can muster and then watch the dream manifestation magic happen!
Lisa Powell Graham

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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