The official Poster of the Dermalogica National Women’s Day Pamper party. Just proud that I was asked to be a special guests :) Dreams do come true
After weeks of internal battle and not having the courage to write to all of you, I had a glimpse of my future as an International Speaker. I really do take my hat off to every woman that has left everything to pursue their dreams. I am blessed to have a team of dreamers such as Catherine, Heather, Lisa, Maria, Iman, Kelly and Natasha. I may not say it much but seeing how these women overcome their challenges give me hope to dream another day, they are strong and so inspiring and I just want to take the chance to say “Thank You ladies” Thank you all for helping me to keep the Faith with your blogs. You are amazing in every way.
I read somewhere that:
The moment you know your dreams can come true. The feeling you get when you know the impossible is very possible. Your thoughts and feelings change at that very sound in time. Dream big. It might be very useful in the future, when you know dreams do come true – Anon
This above quote resonated with me because after moving cities, having to deal with so much in the past few weeks, I received an email asking if I would consider speaking at an event represented by the International skincare brand: Dermalogica. At first I could not believe my eyes, let me also mention that I have had some disappointments in the past with people asking me to speak and it never materialized, so I was a bit skeptical, but I replied with a confident yes and just followed my heart and made it happen.
Pursuing Golden Opportunities inspiring women
Just a few days after confirming that I would speak at the event. I was asked to do a Radio interview with a very well known Radio Station called Talk Radio 702 in the Gauteng Province (My new home province/state). I was overjoyed. The presenter Aubrey Masango would interview me. We had confirmed that the interview would happen the evening of National Women’s Day just before 10 pm.
So with two amazing opportunities, we decided to hit the long road, make our trip a working holiday as well as spending time with our families as we have been Fasting for 30 days for the Holy month of Ramadaan. In all we traveled 42 hours on the road. Our itinerary was to visit Cape Town, from Cape Town to Durban and from Durban to Pretoria… a week later and overcome with exhaustion.
After arriving in Cape Town, I got ready for my talk that would happen in the next two days. I had my outfit all planned out, my talk was in my head and for the first time I would use no cue cards! I would be in the shops, speaking to myself and pretend I was speaking to my audience. What a challenge I set for myself to do the talk in 30 mins after I am so use to speaking for over 45 minutes.but I knew I could do it. I was born to do this.
The day had arrived
So the day of the talk had arrived. I was ready and confident, but also under some pressure because 1 hour before my talk, Aliya got sick again and we had to rush her to the Doctor. I kept looking at the clock as the doctor took his sweet time. I was running late. I got home to get done, My hair just wouldn’t come the way I had planned it to be style, so I just left it. Adrenalin filled my body as we drove to the venue. I kept a cool head, just breathed and kept affirming positive thoughts.
On arrival, I met the lady who had contacted me to be apart of this event, she was happy to see me. The room was filled with women having their skin analyzed by Dermalogica Professionals. I was introduced by the organizing company’s director and we hit it off as she knew who my husband was. Who would have thought that! All ladies were seated at a long table ready to be shown how to use Dermalogica, I was been shown around the offices of Dermalogica on Wembley and how impressed I was. Here was a whole office dedicated to women and skincare. Just fabulous!
I took a seat while the women were having fun with their products, and then I was introduced by one of the ladies. This was it. I drove 15 hours to Cape Town for this moment. I had to make sure I got my message across. I spoke about Inner beauty. It’s a topic that is very dear to my heart as I think so many women concentrate on their outer beauty and don’t give themselves credit for being beautiful on the inside. My talk was easy to remember as I had broken it up into what I call the ABA technique of pursuing inner beauty.
ABA being a synonym for when analyzing your inner beauty, you always need to remember that your Attitude, Behavior and Actions play a big part in expressing your inner beauty to the world. I gave some tips on how to pursue Inner beauty on a daily basis, I challenged the ladies to say amazing compliments to themselves in the morning to start their day on the right note… setting a self motivational tone to their day.
The room was quiet, the stares were fixed on myself, but I noticed that some ladies looked down whenever I touched on a sore point. I started realizing that speaking is not just about being in front of a-great audience but how you communicate your message and how important it is truly needs to shine.
After my talk was done, I was called by the organizer to help myself to some Creme Brulee ( I really need to ask Dreamer Maria how to make them) while we chatted about the talk. She loved it! I felt so happy and relieved that she thought it was a good reminder to women to pursue their inner beauty. I had a few ladies come to me and said that “they needed to hear the message”. I also told the women about my battle with depression, and I was surprised when one lady told me that she had gone through a similar ordeal and hearing me speak my truth was refreshing.

A few pics of me doing the talk and socialising with the ladies afterwards. What a splendid evening this was
After some socializing, It was time to head home. I left the venue feeling energized and motivated. This was so amazing because I was asked by another company to do this. I didn’t have to do the PR myself, they found me! That is the dream, the dream of doing what I love and people wanting me to share my truth and inspire women. I went home with a happy heart.
The Radio Interview
My interview was planned for the next day. It was National Women’s Day in South Africa. I was interviewed by the Presenter Aubrey via telephone. It was a late night show, at that time I was at my moms home but left to take the call in my car. My parents listened over internet streaming while I was answering my questions. The amazing thing was that the presenter said he did some research on me and he was impressed by my work. I couldn’t help but smile. I have NEVER met him, neither have I approached them.
The interview was short and sweet. the questions ranged from the importance if the day in our country to what my opinion was of women feeling empowered. I spoke my truth, confidently and with passion.After the interview, I was thanked for my contribution to the Women’s day show, and I could hear the presenter talk about me and read out my profile to the listeners. It was a very proud moment. Who said that dreams can’t come true?
A few days later, I received this email from the organiser of the Dermalogica Event:
Dear Sue,
I trust that you are well and that you had a lovely weekend.
On behalf of dermalogica on Wembley and the RCC Team, we would like to thank you for taking the opportunity in joining us at one of our pamper parties and for sharing your inspiration and motivation to our guests.
All the guests thoroughly enjoyed it! You may view the images on the below link:
We hope to cross paths with you again in the near future.
We wish you all the best and have a lovely week ahead.
Now if that isn’t worth a happy dance, I don’t know what is! Whoohoo to dreams coming true!
I want to leave you with this realization that I had:
Dear dreamer who is reading this and who is going through the ups and downs of life, never lose hope. dreams do come true, just believe and never say never. You may not thing you have the energy to sustain all what is happening to you, But believe me when I say that YOU CAN DO IT. You simply have to give it your all and get up after every fall – Sue Levy
Pursue your dreams, it will happen, maybe not at your pace and time, but God’s timing.
Just Pursue It

Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
Note: Articles by Sue may contain affiliate links and may be compensated if you make a purchase after clicking on an affiliate link.