Last updated on November 11th, 2019 at 02:28 pm
With my dream to help women love themselves more, this is what I preach to my clients:
Feeling pretty is about self-esteem, body image and seeing the value in ourselves. It’s easier than you think to learn to love your body by making small changes.
It doesn’t matter how much weight you’ve gained, how many pregnancies have changed your body, or how many wrinkles you’ve accumulated.
You have an inherent beauty that comes out when you are in tune with who we want to be.
When you laugh. When you console a loved one. When you are there for a friend in need, you are beautiful!
6 Ways to Love Your Body Right Now
1. Set goals to love your body, including your imperfections.
Try to love your flaws, your blemishes, your belly etched in stretch marks. Your body is a miracle that has carried you to this moment and should be honored for its part in your journey. The stretch marks that cover my lower belly are a symbol of survival and renewal. The most precious life came from the loss of my previously unmarked skin. I will seek each day to be proud of the sacrifice.
It’s honestly not hard when two little arms snake around my neck, and my son tells me he loves me.
2. Let people photograph you.
I don’t care what thoughts make you squirm away. I don’t care if you’ve aged, or changed, gained weight or grown horns. (If you’ve grown horns, you may want to see a doctor, though). Open yourself up to being photographed. It’s more than a way to love your body; it’s a way to love yourself and your loved ones. Photographs are all we have to remember and celebrate the little moments that make up a life.
When you lose someone, the images become even more precious.
3. Find one thing each week to appreciate and love your body.
Daily is even better, but a once-weekly habit is more natural to incorporate into a busy life. Take one minute to give yourself credit for a physical attribute.
Right now, I’m giving props to my bubble butt. May you always stick out just enough butt.
4. TRY to feel beautiful and at peace with the body, you have right now.
Everyone can feel beautiful. Everyone wants to feel beautiful. Start practicing what it feels like to love your body; you may be surprised how easily it starts coming to you. Dance around the house naked. Sashay around the bathroom to some fun music. If you’re lucky enough to visit a nude beach in Europe, do it! Europeans have a much healthier idea of loving all body types. A friend did this and was liberated from her negative body image.
I let go of my desire to have a rock hard body, and I decided to embrace my soft curves. I am beautiful, even with them. If by some miracle, I can start going to the gym (Lyme disease prevents this currently–not willpower), I will embrace that.
But I can’t be ashamed of myself as I am. I’ve lost 88 pounds for goodness sake.
5. Surround yourself with people who genuinely love your mind, body, and soul.
People who lift you, support you, and make you laugh during life’s ups and downs are gold. Don’t waste time with anything or anyone who makes you feel less than the wonderful person you are. Clearing out those who don’t treat you right opens up space for the ones who do. Time is precious. Share it with those who are worthy of your gifts.
My inner circle has gotten me through the toughest year to date, and I know it would have felt insurmountable without them.
6. Affirm others in their efforts and beauty.
We all have days where we question ourselves, our bodies, our actions. My girlfriends are amazing at helping me see my beauty when I am unsure of myself.
In those moments, they help me be strong enough to get back to a moment where I feel it in my soul.
Iman Woods
Iman Woods is an American artist who specializes in pin-up photography. Through a unique and therapeutic process, she’s spent over a decade in perfecting, Iman helps women undo the damage from a negative self-image and unrealistic beauty industry expectations. She helps women embrace their own style of beauty and see themselves in a new light. You can find her on her website, ImanWoods[dot]com.
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