Last updated on March 28th, 2024 at 03:30 pm
Am I the only one who is amazed that we are one-quarter of the way through the year already?
I am amazed at how quickly this year has flown by. Maybe because I have been on the road so much and lived so many dreams out loud, it has felt like an action-packed, adventure-filled year.
Funnily, it almost feels like I have lived a few lifetimes in just the past few months, or at least a few years – so much has happened! My World Tour was launched! My mentors helped me further solidify my book concept last December, and I am moving forward with my book proposal to get that into an agent’s hands this year.
I have performed in cabaret shows on both coasts of the U.S. I have people organizing to fly me to the UK and OZ this year to teach and perform. I am being hired to star in music videos, and a California band is even writing a song about me for a video I will also star in. Crazy!
However, with nine months left in the year, I want to be sure that my other dreams of finally getting my book published and growing my life coaching business are manifesting as well. I got off to a slow start this year with the book, and it is time to focus on it again.
My top goals for this year are as follows:
- Do burlesque shows each month, as well as teaching and performing.
- Write a kick-ass book proposal and land an agent.
- Solidify my “Hot for Happiness” Life Coaching business by lining up new clients and teaching workshops to empower women.
- Make six figures plus through a combination of my income streams (from writing, dancing, and coaching).
- Be in a committed relationship with a man I love – my life partner!
I also want to be in my best possible shape this year, and I am working with a personal trainer and nutritionist to achieve my health and fitness goals. I have made progress on these goals this year, but I have a long way to go to meet some of them.
So, at the quarter-year mark, I am evaluating what I need to do to make these things happen.
Finding Happiness in an Action Plan!
I am already well; my top goal is That’s in motion. I regularly confirm new shows, gigs, and teaching opportunities worldwide.
So, to make this the biggest possible success, I simply need to keep doing what I do on the dancing front. And, of course, I put in the time to choreograph, rehearse, design incredible costumes, and otherwise make my performances a hit. Done!
The #2 goal is I have been working on a book that is ready to put in front of an agent. I need to finish a book proposal that will knock ’em dead and land an agent this year. I am behind on this goal right now and need to refocus on it in the next quarter. I will start mapping out time in my schedule again to work on the book proposal.
I am fortunate to have mentors who are #1 New York Times best-selling authors who will help me this year by editing my proposal and even getting it into the hands of a top agent. However, it’s up to me to write an incredible draft proposal. That will take time, and I must regularly invest time in this big dream.
Finding Happiness in a Road Map to Financial Success
Selling my book, hopefully for six figures, will be a big boost to my career. In the meantime, I want to generate six figures this year through my dancing, life coaching, and consulting work.
This means making an average of approximately $8,000 per month. I have not hit that amount yet, so in order for me to reach that goal this year, I have to either sell my book in 2013 and/or line up enough life-coaching clients and workshops and make enough money through dancing and selling merchandise like DVDs and e-books.
This is going to require having a solid business plan in place and then taking the steps to implement whatever needs to be done to reach the goal! I need to sit down this week and put together a business plan.
The goal of being with a life partner feels a little more elusive at this point, only because I can’t dictate to a man that he needs to commit to me by a certain date. I can, however, be out there meeting people and dating, and I can hold a clear vision and intention for what I wish to create. I can ask the Universe to help me with this one, be willing to take risks as I do for the rest of my life, and put my heart on the line. I trust that things will align and that someone wonderful is out there.

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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