Last updated on April 2nd, 2012 at 11:58 am
The joy of attempting to launch a product that directly ties into Twitter, means that when something bad happens to them, it happens to you. Last weeks Denial of Service attack on their site meant that all their services, including our ability to communicate with it, went down. The good news is that the features we need are officially back up as of Monday. Our launch date moves with the times – thank goodness we are flexible.
While banging my head against the wall this past week, I stopped long enough to do something I have been wanted to do for years: learn to meditate. You can call it my mini-dream. Have you ever just wanted to peace and quiet, time to think? I had yearned for that opportunity, and had always made excuses to avoid it. Why is it so difficult to allow ourselves the time to reflect? Well I found a way to start this week that incorporates two of my favorite new things; my new iPhone, and free Applications for the iPhone.
I went searching for inspirational applications with the goal of finding something that would be dummy proof. How tough can meditation be? Apparently too hard for me to do without help. I found lots of great apps, and free ones that made me think I may be able to figure this whole thing out. First, a relaxation/yoga app. Lots of great information driven by a ton of instructional video, which doesn’t work when my eyes are closed. Second was an app that combines color visualizations with soothing sounds with a timer so you can set the duration. Cool concept but the soothing sounds did what I expected and started to sooth me to sleep.
I finally found one that is super simple and straight forward. You see the main screen here, along with my new mediation buddies. What is it about sitting on the floor and being quiet that makes all your pets come to visit? The simple program lets you control the speed but simply repeats “OM” over and over – 108 times. Now I know that means something! The first night I tried this sitting up in bed, ear plugs in, eyes open and focused on my dream board. My husband read for a awhile and when he turned off the light, I kept listening. My breathing started to match to OM pulse and I noticed that there was a release in the front of my mind and the time between the sounds seemed to expand. I stopped the cycle that night myself, relaxed and ready to sleep.
A few nights ago I took it to the next step.
I sat on the floor and crossed my legs. My husband got a good laugh when I mentioned he may have to help me up when I was done. No worries, once the OM cycle started, the crossed legs just wasn’t working for me, so I switched a couple other positions – mostly static stretching to multitask of course! My big addition to the focus the chanting offered? I added saying my affirmation in even breaths. Out loud.
Now for those super centered zen people out there who have been meditating daily for years, this was a huge step for me. I have my dream board(s), affirmations on my mirror in my bedroom, bathroom, and office. For some reason the saying it loud made a huge difference. I had no idea the additional power this offered. Have you ever experienced a wave of emotion go through you? It was all good for me. By the time the mediation chant ended I realized I had actually listened to 108 chants and felt the happy and grateful emotions I’d been focused on.
My advice for anyone who has been putting their health or dreams on pause – take a small step. And if you are a total tech geek like me, enjoy browsing the options available through technology to give you the break they typically don’t give you all day.
Here’s a great meditation video with just the sounds of the ocean, press play, close your eyes and spend the next 9 minutes meditating about your dream –
Enjoy a well deserved dream break this week –
~ Heather
Heather’s dream is to have multiple streams of income, starting with launching an e-commerce website that showcases her one-of-a-kind designer jewelry, which are crafted by her. Her newly launched sites are couture jewelry available through For Your Adornment, For Your Adornment on, and Twitter background designs on Twitter And Beyond Dot Com. She also teaches Social Media tactics for business, besides being CEO of her own web design company. Heather’s post day is Thursday.

Heather Montgomery is a fitness writer, triathlete, and serial entrepreneur who is devoted to sharing what she has learned about becoming a triathlete after age 40. She uses her Metabolic Training Certification to help other women struggling to get fit in mid-life. She lives and trains in Santa Rosa, California, the new home of the Ironman triathlon. You can find her biking the Sonoma County wine trails.
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