Last updated on April 1st, 2012 at 02:35 pm
Isn’t it convenient for my dream of dating again and falling in love that I am about to be a maid-of-honor and weddings are the number 1, high-quality singles event in the world? Yes, I am still looking at the many ways a girl can meet a guy.
At the impending wedding reception, I will be seated at the head table, so I’ll certainly have a clear view of all the lovely guests. And any available men.
How does one go about meeting someone at a wedding?
1. The easiest way is to casually ask the groom or bride if there might be any cool single men invited to the wedding.
2. Show up looking your absolute best – go light on the perfume or cologne – get a hair cut – get a manicure, pedicure and make sure your make up is subtle. Take the time to look beautiful and feel your best.
3. Control your eating and drinking behaviors at the reception.
4. Be a nice, warm and outgoing so that men will feel comfortable approaching you when there’s an opportunity. Be casual in your conversation, and leave any negative stories about your past, present or future at home.
5. Smile, dance and have a good time. Catch the bouquet and enjoy the evening.
6. When you meet someone – don’t force chemistry. If it isn’t there it isn’t there. Find out what his likes and dislikes are and try to steer the conversation in that direction.
7. Relax, and have fun. And be there to celebrate the bride and her groom on their amazing day.
And if you do meet someone, remember . . .
1. Pretending to be cool and coy doesn’t make men attracted to you. Take the initiative – say hello!
2. Be genuinely interested in who he is as a person, and try to have as much fun as you can — but don’t fake anything.
3. It is great if you have business cards made with your name, occupation, and a phone number you are okay with being called at (not necessarily your cell number), an email where you can receive personal messages and website if you have one. Have a fun catch phrase such as “Veronica Jacobsen, Professional Blogger and your new best friend”.
4. When the wedding is winding down and it is time to leave, hand him a business card and simply say, “It was nice talking to you, here’s my card.” Or “Here’s my card. Give me a call sometime.” Keep it simple; less is more.
5. Then go home. Leave him wanting more. Remember that either the bride or groom invited him, so you have a way to ask about him after they return from their honeymoon. Maybe they can even have a dinner party and invite the two of you over if he is interested.
Now, I just need to figure out my maid-of-honor speech and I’ll be good to go . . .
” Please raise your glasses while I toast my dearest friend and her new husband:
Take each day and cherish your time together. Love one another and stand together. Take time to talk to one another. Put your love and your family first; your job and your hobbies second. May your love be like the wind, strong enough to move the clouds, soft enough to never hurt, but always never ending. So here’s to love, laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!”
Back to the drawing board?
What are your thoughts about meeting someone at a wedding? How would you handle it? Leave me your comments and any good maid-of-honor toasts you know!
Veronica rotated off 8 Women Dream in December of 2010 after successfully completing two dreams.

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