Last updated on July 1st, 2022 at 02:45 pm
On my path of dreaming big dreams to become a Top Photographer, I read a lot of business books. This year I took on Bob Scotts’ 52-week Business Development Challenge – and in reading today, I came across a great quote –
Your business is like a child, so protect it at all costs. We have a responsibility to the business — like a child, it needs to be nurtured and protected.
If you think about it, a similar statement could be spoken to us dreamers, too –
Our big dreams are like a child – we need to protect them at all costs. We have a responsibility to them – to nurture and protect them, so that they can grow, thrive and help sustain our incredible dream life. – Remy Gervais
7 strategies for dreaming big dreams:
1. Give it boundaries.
When you first start out following your big dreams it may be all you can think about. You may ignore chores, and phone calls from friends, lose a lot of sleep, and forget to eat. Be objective and set some real boundaries to make sure other important areas of your life are managed; in turn, those boundaries will also stand to protect your carved-out dreaming time as well.
When do you spend time working on your dreams?
2. Be proud and brag about it.
Have your story ready! Your dream is alive and kicking, and progress happens every day. Let important people around you know what you are doing, and share your accomplishments with them. Stand tall, smile, and finish strong.
Who is on your short list of people to involve?
3. Make sure its has everything it needs to thrive.
You wouldn’t send your kid to the first day of school with an empty backpack and no lunchbox, right? So consider your big dream needs, and make a plan to get a hold of them. The list may be long, but write it out anyway.
What does your dream need to thrive and survive?
4. Every now and then, take measurements.
My house had one of those walls with the pencil marks on it — a tic mark every year to measure how tall we had grown over the summer. It was cool to watch that line move up the wall every year, cause we were seeing real change happen. With dreaming big dreams, measuring progress is just as critical. You should always know where you are in relationship to where you’ve been, and where you plan to go.
How do you measure your dream growth?
5. For fun, eat dessert first.
Every once in a while, defy the order. Stir things up. Create a little controversy. Break the routine and stretch to see things from a different perspective. Remember, our lives and dreams should always be “a game worth playing”.
How do you keep dreaming ‘fresh’?
6. Foster determination and tenacity.
My dad was my softball coach in high school. When we’d stumble, trip, or fall flat on our butts. he’d yell from the dugout, “If it’s not broken or bleeding, rub some dirt on it and keep playing”. We learned to play through pain, frustration, and obstacles – And we learned to never give up.
What other dream characteristics do you think are important to foster?
7. Strive for and expect excellence.
Your big dreams are important and special and demand your best attention. There is no half-assing it, people. Keep raising the bar on yourself and live up to the challenges that dreaming brings to you. You may be surprised at how high that big dream bar goes.
Remy Gervais

Enjoy this special 8WomenDream Guest Contributor story submitted by new and experienced big dreamers throughout the world, edited and published to capture a dream perspective from different points of view. Do you have a personal dream story to share with 8WomenDream readers? Click here to learn how to submit dream big articles for consideration.
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