Last updated on October 31st, 2019 at 02:32 am
I am manifesting big dream miracles at a rapid pace in my life right now and making some very big, long-term dreams come true. Of course, because this is life on Planet Earth, the process of living my dreams also involves conquering obstacles.
I like to think of them as hurdles to leap over, like an agile high school track athlete winning a key meet, vs. anything that can possibly stop me. I am meant to live my biggest dreams, or else why would the universe have planted them in my heart?
Can’t Stop Me Now!
I wish I could share more details about what I am manifesting at the moment, and I will as soon as it has happened. There are exciting projects that I am in the middle of right now, and I am afraid I will “jinx” them if I share too much before I make them real. My faith has been tested, and I have ridden the waves, weathering the ups and downs of dream fulfillment, in order to arrive at a point where I can see and taste and touch my dreams coming true.
I am approaching the finish line, and just have a few more potential hurdles to leap over! I can do this!
My 4 Dream Big Success Strategies
1. Keep the faith no matter what!
If a dream has been planted in my heart, I have to trust that “this or something better” will manifest as long as I keep the faith and keep moving forward! I find that if I don’t get what I thought I wanted, I usually get something even better!
So it behooves me to keep moving towards my dreams and to trust that it will all work out for the best. It always does.
2. Take action steps towards my dreams every day, no matter how small!
Best-selling author and life coach, Martha Beck calls it “turtle steps” when you keep inching towards your biggest dreams, day by day by day. While the steps you take may seem small, it is the incremental steps that add up and bring us to the finish line eventually.
It is the day-in and day-out training that makes an athlete, musician, dancer or writer amazing. It is not what we do once, but what we do with love over and over, that makes a difference.
3. View obstacles as a way to show the universe your total commitment to your dream!
If it were always easy to manifest every dream, would we truly appreciate what we have? There is great satisfaction in knowing that you overcame obstacles, and especially moved past your own fears or perceived sense of limitations, in order to live your greatest dreams.
We value most what we feel we “earned,” and obstacles help us to feel that we have earned the honor of living our dreams!
4. Remember that nothing is permanent, except change.
When there is a hurdle in our way, it can often feel as though this problem is insurmountable and is “forever.” But nothing except love and taxes are forever, as they say!
And I would argue that love is the only real eternal force. Know that most obstacles will eventually fall away if you just keep moving forward through them. Love, however – real love and real passion, from the soul, for living our dreams and being who we truly are – will never end.
Leap over those hurdles! Go for it! I have faith in you!
Lisa Powell Graham

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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