Last updated on November 3rd, 2019 at 06:55 pm
Integral to my dream of becoming an accomplished equestrian is to own a horse, right? Yes, it certainly makes it easier. However, here’s a story to not own any of these expensive, delicate, creatures.
Last Thursday afternoon my family was supposed to leave for a San Diego family vacation. The kids could hardly contain their excitement; for days they had been asking, “Are we leaving today?” The car was packed. Everyone had gone potty. The door was locked. I said to my husband, “I’m just going to go kiss my horse noses good-bye.” I walked up to the barn, kids tagging along. One look at the pony and I turned around to my daughter and said, “Go get Daddy.” My husband came up. He looked at the pony, sighed, and said, “Yep, you might as well just call the vet now.”
Basically, a bad tummy ache. But, without fairly prompt vet attention, it can become fatal. My husband went inside to cancel our hotel reservation and I called the vet. We weren’t going anywhere that night. Poor kids. Not only was vacation delayed; it was delayed because their pony was sick. The veterinarian came out and treated the pony, who started to respond positively. Whew. I checked on her every couple of hours. At the 9:30 p.m. check, I noticed that Nikki’s eye looked funny. I looked closer. It was swollen half-way shut. “Oh you’ve got to be kidding . . .” I thought.
Back to the house to get my husband. I reported the latest horse trouble. He threw his hands up in the air and repeated my sentiments, “Oh you’ve got to be kidding . . .” We trekked back to the barn, flashlight in hand. A quick exam showed no acute pain, he could clearly still see, and he reacted appropriately to light. Hopefully, it was just a bump or perhaps some hay got in it or something. My husband growled at him, “You’re fine.”
Need more reasons to not own a horse? Can I remind you of my hand injury from being kicked by Nikki? You have to be sure about your dreams to withstand setbacks and moments like these – especially if your dream involves things that might be out of your control – like animals.
We did eventually leave for vacation, after arranging care for Flicka and Nikki (the horses – not my kids). We’re going to Sea World tomorrow. Oh wait – don’t they have animals there too? Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
What have you overcome this week to stay on path towards your dream? Does it involve animals?

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