Last updated on March 30th, 2012 at 12:38 am
My dream is to be a rapper, so what kind of rapper am I?
I love old-school rap, but I must say I also love the people, like myself, who take a stab at rap without worrying about being cool. The true essence of old school was light-hearted fare, easy to identify, relatively simple.
The words didn’t stray from the beat and the emphasis was on good times, block parties and dancing – lots of dancing.
I believe it was Grand Master Flash who squeezed rap into more socially conscious material. And I appreciated that, but I also lost interest when rap took a turn for the worst. So many lives were lost due to the insane East Coast, West Coast rap wars.
I’ve never been understanding of men and their F-ing wars!
I remember the moment in my car, when I heard the cool, the awesome, the one and only Pink say
this my rap song.
She announced it and then proceeded to lay some words down that should be a course taught to all middle school chicks –
Mirror, mirror on the wall, damn I sure look fine
I can’t blame those horny boys, I would make me mine.
When I pass you in a club, “Ooh lala” you gasp.
Back up boy, I ain’t your toy or your piece of ass
Cause this body is a priceless piece of lovin’ unconditionally, so Mr Big Stuff
Who you think you are, you was thinkin’ you’s gonna get it for free?
Now, Now, Now*
Pink has balls and is definitely a defender of divine femininity. She’s not blaming the dudes for being horny, she’s just speaking a much needed to be heard truth. I love her for this.
I dream of collaborating with Pink on some kind of kick-butt rap Anthem. Tune in next week when I step out of my comfort zone and do a blodeo (my word for blog) rapping about my dream of recording a rap with Pink.
I’m not doing the aerial stunts she does though – no way.
Ladies it’s time to be greedy, nothin’ good comes for free. So step outside your comfort zone do something small toward your dream this week.
And I’ll meet you back here next Sunday with my own rap video.
Keep on dreamin!
Big Love,
Laurie has several amazing dreams going on in her life at this time. She left 8 Women Dream in November of 2010 to work on her business.
*Pink Lyrics are the property of the respective authors, artists and labels, Pink Lyrics are provided for educational purposes only. If you like the song, please buy her CD.

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