Last updated on December 4th, 2010 at 08:31 pm
Hola hermanas and fellow dreamers, or soñadores prójimos.
Forgive me if this week’s post is a bit short. I’m in Mexico so I can’t be responsible for a responsible post. At least that’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Here goes. I’ve been overeating and drinking since I got here.
I bought a time share with my friend Toni. I didn’t discuss this purchase with my husband . . . I just did it. I love traveling with women. What a perfect opportunity to share your dreams and laugh about everything in your life.
Now I would like to share with you a recent message from Mama Gena. Mama Gena owns the school of womanly arts in Manhattan, NY. Check out her website and sign up for her daily fluff. They are inspirational words to inspire and motivate you to be the very best you can be.
Mama has a message for us all –
To stand for yourselves.
To stand for Sisterhood.
To stand for the woman you deserve to become.
To stand together to recreate the world.
To celebrate women, celebrate Sisterhood, internally, locally, internationally, right here, right now in our lifetime!
And I would like to add this:
Don’t put off doing for yourself, whether it’s a workout, a movie, a weekend at a spa. You don’t need permission! If your living with a partner who denies you that pleasure . . . get a new partner!
If we don’t take care of ourselves, sooner or later we won’t be of much use to anyone else – or to ourselves. If you are feeling down, or our of sorts, stressed about the world around you – call a girlfriend and go for a walk. Go get a pedicure. Share some ice cream. Go see a funny movie. Go on a short road trip.
Start putting your needs before everyone else for a change and quit volunteering for everything! Also learn how to say no. No is a powerful time creeator to your dreams.
What are you going to do for YOU this week?
Keep dreamin’!
Laurie has several amazing dreams going on in her life at this time. She left 8 Women Dream in November of 2010 to focus on Club B and run her NIA business.

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