Last updated on November 14th, 2019 at 09:58 pm
There are informational quotes for anyone trying to be a success online from some of the world’s most famous online entrepreneurs and authors of our time.
Feel free to share this collection of great quotes by successful entrepreneurs online on blogging success, product launches, successful websites, and social media engagement.
50 Great Quotes by Top Bloggers–
1. “Love your readers to death!” – Darren Rowse, ProBlogger
2. “I have to live the content, then come back and write about it.” – Heather Armstrong, Dooce
3. “If you have nothing else to share, nothing to say, then go out and do something amazing first.” – Leo Babauta, Zen Habits
4. “Blogging is good for your career. A well-executed blog sets you apart as an expert in your field.” – Penelope Trunk, Brazen Careerist
5. “Create something people want to share.” – John Jantsch, Duct Tape Marketing
6. “A blog with a business back-end (i.e. products to sell and a method to sell them) is the key to a six-figure income as a blogger.” – David Risley, Blog Marketing Academy
7. “As soon as you start publishing, you are the star and so people see you that way.” – Jeff Walker, Product Launch Formula
8. “Unfortunately, blogging generally requires a lot of work. Gaining a large readership for your business blog requires much of your attention and a big dose of patience.” – Chadrack Irobogo, Web Income Journal
9. “Knowing what I’ll write about and what I won’t has never really been a problem. I won’t write about things that bore me.” – Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman
10. “A guest post is the best kind of advertising you can have!” – Leo Babauta, Zen Habits
11. “There are tons of different factors that go into ranking well (in search), but the biggest is high-quality content.” – David Sinick, Income Diary
12. “The heart of blogging is linking — linking and commenting. Connecting and communicating — the purpose of the Internet.” – George Siemens, eLearnspace Blog
13. “Create a minimal viable product or website, launch it, and get feedback.” – Neil Patel, QuickSprout
14. “You have to write about something you care about and do it in a way that your people care about. Be entertaining and useful or just really damn useful!” – Sonia Simone, Copyblogger
15. “When a guest blogger can’t even be bothered sharing their own post on their social networks; they’re pretty much admitting ‘I don’t care about this post, and I don’t want to be associated with it’. In the end these guests posts are just another form of spam.” – George Stevens, Nebstone’s Marketing Blog
16. “Make a list of competitors who will be disrupted by you. You do have competitors, right? You are better, right? If not, why are you going to Disrupt? Post a blog post about them and what makes you different.” – Robert Scoble, Scobleizer
17. “Blogging is all about forming relationships. There’s the relationship between you and the readers, and relationship between you and other blogs in your niche. Make a commitment to get to know them.” – John Chow, John Chow Dot Com
18. “When it gets difficult is often right before you succeed.” Jeff Walker, Product Launch Formula
19. “Our job is to make change. Our job is to connect to people, to interact with them in a way that leaves them better than we found them, more able to get where they’d like to go. Every time we waste that opportunity, every page or sentence that doesn’t do enough to advance the cause is waste.” – Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog
20. “Make it so people want to get your content opened and consumed NOW. When they read you, they STOP what they are doing. I would stop the car and pull over.” – Scott Ginsberg, Hello My Name is Scott
21. “There is no such thing as get rich quick. You get to two years, that’s when you’ll know if you’re going to be great or not.” – Duncan Riley,
22. “New marketing is about the relationships, not the medium.” – Ben Grossman,
23. “Yes, blogging is entertainment. It is performance. Each blog post a show, sometimes an opera, sometimes a 30 second commercial. Like a show, it may start with a bang, lead you along from song to song, have a great climatic moment, then leave the audience wanting more.” – Lorelle VanFossen, Lorelle
24. “You should know what makes one photo brilliant and another. Why one illustration is instructive and another is banal. Why one blurb is clever and another is trying too hard. Why one video is brilliantly entertaining and another is cheesy. Bottom line: you should want to do great work with a great team—no matter the cost.” – Jason Calacanis, Calacanis
25. “A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.” – Lee Odden, Top Rank Blog
26. “Blogging is hard because of the grind required to stay interesting and relevant.” –Sufia Tippu, Sufia Tippu/Sofia Tippoo. A Tale of Two Names
27. “I don’t want to go viral, I want to set hearts on fire.” – Coco J. Ginger, CocoJGinger
28. “There are no magic wands, no hidden tricks, and no secret handshakes that can bring you immediate success, but with time, energy, and determination you can get there.” – Darren Rowse, ProBlogger
29. “I’ve set aside a nice chunk of my advertising revenue each month for giveaways, like a KitchenAid mixer. I like buying them for the audience, because without the audience I wouldn’t have the blog or the revenue in the first place.” – Ree Drummond, The Pioneer Woman
30. “If I were to nail down a key ingredient to blogging success, it would have to be a consistent posting habit. Most bloggers fail because they want instant gratification. They think, mistakenly, that blogging is a quick and easy way to get rich. When they first start, they’ll post like crazy for a few weeks, maybe even a few months. When nothing comes from it, they quit and become a statistic.” – John Chow, John Chow Dot Com
31. “I think everyone should sell other people’s stuff and their own stuff. I think everyone, almost everyone should mix those two business models.” – Jeff Walker, Product Launch Formula
32. “How will your business invite customers so far into the company itself that they no longer think of themselves as customers but partners, advocates and members of a movement?” – Alister Cameron, Blogologist
33. “If you really want to do this, then just do it and if you don’t have a fallback plan, then just make this blogging thing work!” Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
34. “A blog is only as interesting as the interest shown in others.” – Lee Odden, Optimize
35. “Blog until someone offers to pay you. If nobody offers within three years, change topics and start fresh, improving from the lessons learned over those three years. Keep blogging. There is room for everyone here.” – Lorelle VanFossen, Lorelle
36. “People will tell you exactly what they want. In comments, links, social media landscape in general. Listen. Extrapolate. Do something with that information.” – Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
37. “Twitter, Facebook, Google + are the trifecta of marketing for authors (and bloggers).” – Guy Kawasaki, How to Change the World
38. “The old saying of work hard, play hard really works for me. For me it’s all about focus. To get the Fire Starter Sessions digital book out it was about three months of intense focus. I let my friends know that I probably wouldn’t be hanging out of returning their phone calls. It wasn’t about doing the dishes, I ordered a lot of pizza, and I just completely put myself in the creative bubble.” – Danielle LaPorte, White Hot Truth
39. “Traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them.” – Doug Kessler, Econsultancy
40. “Don’t focus on having a great blog. Focus on producing a blog that’s great for your readers.” – Brian Clark, CopyBlogger
41. “Make it about them, not about you.” – Simon Sinek, Start With Why
42. “What you do after you create your content is what truly counts.” – Gary Vaynerchuk, Wine Library TV
43. “The real secret to success is to get out there and work like hell.” – Frank Kern,
44. “Readers subscribe to blogs when they provide an informational or entertainment value so great that it would be a loss to not subscribe to it.” – Maki, DoshDosh
45. “Fans, true fans, are hard to find and precious. Just a few can change everything. What they demand, though, is generosity and bravery.” – Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog
46. “Because a blog cost next to nothing to start, most bloggers don’t take it as seriously as they should. If you want your blog to advance beyond the hobby stage, you need to take it seriously and treat it like a real business.” – John Chow, John Chow Dot Com
47. “The paradox is the more info you give away, the more people will buy what you have to give.” – Brain Clark, CopyBlogger
48. “As I have repeatedly written in one form or other, blogging is not about writing posts. Heck, that’s the least of your challenges. No, blogging is about cultivating a mutually beneficial relationships with an ever-growing online readership, and that’s hard work.” – Alister Cameron, Blogologist
49. “The Internet makes money for you when you build something that is real and when it matters to people!” – Darren Rowse, ProBlogger
50. “Don’t have a website. Have a destination!” – Scott Ginsberg, Hello My Name is Scott
“Great blogging is about creating an emotional connection with your readers.” – Catherine Hughes, 8 Women Dream
Do you have a favorite quote from a top blogger or Internet entrepreneur? Be sure to share it in your comments below.

Catherine Hughes is an accomplished magazine columnist, content creator, and published writer with a background as an award-winning mom blogger. She partners with companies to create captivating web content and social media stories and writes compelling human interest pieces for both small and large print publications. Her writing, which celebrates the resilience and achievements of Northern California’s residents, is featured in several magazines. Beyond her professional life, Catherine is passionate about motherhood, her son, close friendships, rugby, and her love for animals.
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