Last updated on February 26th, 2023 at 02:09 pm
I have compiled a few of my favorite and helpful tips to help you live the best dream year of your life. There is no reason why you should take second best this year, there is no reason why you should not believe you can achieve those goals. There is also no reason for you to feel inferior as you are perfect the way you are, you just need to believe in yourself and make it happen.
5 ways to pursue the best dream year of your life
1. Today is a New Day, Start Fresh for your best dream year
Mornings should be your preparation period in which you set your mind to focus on yourself and what you would love to achieve for the day. We all have days where we are stressed from the minute we open our eyes. I ask you not to even go there. Who are you trying to impress with all your unnecessary stress? It’s a new day, why not start it with a smile, a prayer, or even some meditation? Starting fresh is your ticket to an amazing day, give yourself permission to wipe the slate clean and start over. You deserve to feel amazing as you get ready to conquer your fears and show the world how magnificent you are.
Affirmation: I give myself permission to start my day with a renewed sense of energy, and an amazing zest for life and I accept all good things coming my way today.
2. Ask for help
As people, we have so much pride that we decide to suffer in silence. At the end of last year, I went through a very traumatic time that left me in the hospital for three days. I kept asking myself “How did I get here?” as the nurse would add painkillers to my drip. I was in excruciating pain because of a bad gastrointestinal infection. I came to the conclusion that I was so stubborn, that I would NOT listen when people said “Sue, You are doing too much” I just wouldn’t slow down! Not even for a lunch break.
Yes, we all love to multitask and feel like a superwoman, but sometimes doing too much of that is not good. Asking for help will lighten the load and you can save yourself a trip to the hospital. By asking for help I realized that I was not alone, and neither are you. Ask for help. Always remember that you are loved and that there are people in this world that want the best for you. Accept a helping hand.
Affirmation: I give myself permission to accept help from my peers and family so that my load will not be heavy
3. Practice compassion and offer hope
The one thing I love to do is help people. With my motivational talks nothing on earth feels as good as when someone comes up to me and says that my words of compassion touched their heart.
We allow the world and issues to get in the way of being compassionate and we tend to always drown in our own sorrows. For the new year allow yourself to be a part of a project that will affect the lives of a few people as you give of your time to put a smile on their faces. When you give, you receive. The feeling of giving hope is one where you only receive a blessed sense of accomplishment in your heart. So go on and try not to lose your temper when someone comes begging at your door. Practice compassion and make a stranger smile as you give them hope to live another day.
Affirmation: I give myself permission to show compassion on a daily basis and be an instrument of hope to others.
4. Embrace living in the “moment of NOW”
If there’s one thing I learned, it’s that nobody is here forever. You have to live for the moment, each and every day . . . the here, the now.- Simone Elkeles
I was reminded of the short amount of years we have with friends and the ones we love. Life gets busy and you may see the new year as a new way to accomplish the hundreds of resolutions on your list. But if only had one more day to live, how would you spend that day? Your answer may be: to live and enjoy every moment, every hour, and every second by doing the things I love doing.
What is your answer? I challenge you to try and start each day with that question and write down 3 things you would do. In the day, pursue to achieve those three things. It can be as simple as a brisk walk, enjoying a cup of steaming coffee, or just looking into the eyes of the one you love.
Affirmation: I give myself Permission to live in the moment, to enjoy every second of my life as I embark on a blessed journey called “My life”
5. Remind you to love yourself on the road to your best dream
During a talk I presented two weeks ago, I spoke about loving yourself. It’s really sad how many times a person criticizes themselves on a daily basis. How many of us actually look in the mirror and compliment how amazing we look today, or be proud of a job well done? Or did your internal mirror conversation go something like this: “I’m so fat, I hate my hair, Why can’t I be good enough? Cant this day be over, I’m such a mess”
Our internal conversation is as important as what we project externally. It’s no secret that we find more imperfections in our daily lives. We put ourselves last and promise ourselves that we will do that in a few weeks. Why give back to yourself in a few weeks? Why not do it now? What are we waiting for?
If there is one thing that I have learned is that If I don’t love myself, no one else will. We put so much pressure on people to show us love yet it’s not really their job to do so, it’s ours. When you love yourself, you won’t allow abuse in your life. When you love yourself, you won’t allow the negativity to flood your mind as you know you are better than that.
Whatever you are doing, love yourself for doing it. Whatever you are feeling, love yourself for feeling it. – Thaddeus Golas
Affirmation: I allow myself to love myself and put myself first from this day onward and for as long as I live because I deserve it.
Take a deep breath and let go of the past. Promise yourself that you will put yourself first this year and try to always give your best. Relax and enjoy your new year and be excited as it’s a clean slate. Give yourself permission to make this year absolutely fabulous.

Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
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