Last updated on July 27th, 2022 at 03:24 pm
As part of my original big dream plan, I launched a gallery collection of inspirational images for my readers and fans.
Over time this hobby grew into gratitude statements, which lead to public speaking engagements, and ultimately, my foundation.
Inspiration fueled my dreams.
Inspiration is defined in the dictionary as the process of being mentally stimulated to do or feel something, especially to do something creative.
I found that creating inspirational images kept me focused and inspired me to do the things that needed to be done to move my dream forward. The images motivated me to work on my goals and stay with them when I wanted to quit.
Psychologists Todd M. Thrash and Andrew J. Elliot discovered that inspiration has 3 main qualities:
1. Evocation
2. Transcendence
3. Motivation
They also wrote that inspiration was, “The heights of human motivation spring from the beauty and goodness that precede us and awaken us to better possibilities.”
Inspiration blooms from beauty and goodness. It’s why we love inspirational images.
Inspiration truths
1. Inspiration creates possibilities where there are none.
2. Inspiration allows you to see that others understand what you are trying to accomplish.
3. Inspiration reminds you that you are more than what you think you are.
4. Inspiration tells you to never give up.
5. Inspiration guides you to try something new.
6. Inspiration pushes you to take chances.
7. Inspiration keeps your attitude positive.
8. Inspiration transforms what seems impossible.
Inspiration springs from encouragement, striking a cord within your soul, pushing you to change your life, and let go of any circumstances crushing your heart. Inspirational messages remind you that you can achieve, find your purpose, stick with something until the end, and in turn, inspire others to like you.
Inspiration is a gift that keeps on giving. Look for inspiration in your life and be grateful for where you are on your journey.
I’ve learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catcher’s mitt on both hands; you need to be able to throw something back. ~Maya Angelou.
Sue Levy is the founder of the South African Just Pursue It Blog and Inspirational Women Initiative. She’s a motivational writer and media designer, who is obsessed with everything inspirational with a hint of geek. She thrives on teaching women how to be brave and take big chances on themselves. You can find Sue on her Twitter page @Sue_Levy.
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