Last updated on July 27th, 2022 at 02:29 pm
I have many goals for my dream of becoming a much sought-after freelance photographer. One particular goal I’m focused on right now is to allow people to take photos of me and share them.
You may be thinking this dream goal is rather odd. But there are those of you who are also photographers who probably understand why this is a dream goal of mine–you maybe even deal with it yourself (thank you for not judging me).
I have a fear of being photographed.
A hatred of it, really. Seriously!
I feel it’s part of the reason why I like being a freelance photographer. I can control how things are set up, and the shooting environment. I can edit myself right out of any image if I want with just a simple click of a button.
Bad hair day? Looking fat? Not happy with the image? Edit, Re-size, or Remove. Done.
Well, here’s the problem.
When I look back through photo albums, and I am noticeably absent for a good part of my son’s life. Every once in a while, there I am–making a goofy face or highlighting someone else to take the attention off me. I see my parents, my sister, my entire family, many friends, and strangers in my photo album collections.
But clearly, my son was raised by an invisible photographer person. I have incredible shots of significant events from parties, weddings, and school functions. There’s a lot of evidence of love and life being shared.
And I’m not in there anywhere. How sad, even selfish of me.
So without worrying too much, I wrote it down:
Goal: To be in photographs that others take, and share them.
I can tell you, it’s been beyond challenging.
I have plenty of opportunities to have my picture taken. There are hundreds of photographers in my local photography Meet-up group who shoot with me and at me every time we hold a Meet-up event. My closest friends are “those” people who always have a camera or cell phone in their hands.
The challenge lies within me to get over myself and my insecurities about what I look like in photographs, and just be ok with it.
My advice?
- If you are the kind of person who doesn’t mind having your picture taken, notice those who don’t like it at all and encourage us to get in the shot every once in a while. We may balk, but later in life, we’ll thank you.
- If you are like me, someone who hates being in photographs, put down the camera every once in a while and join in. Don’t worry about hair or clothes or your smile–just do it. You will be glad years from now that you did. I promise.
- From time to time, I’ll find a way to post images of myself online. You too, Ok?
I have to take it slow, so be patient with me. But also, be patient with yourself on your dream journey as you work through your insecurities that may be interfering with your forward motion to achieving your big dream.
Remy Gervais
Remy Gervais is a small business coach and a freelance photographer residing in the Northern California wine country.

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