Last updated on July 29th, 2024 at 06:25 pm
Ever since I picked “Finding Mr. Right” as my latest dream quest, family and friends have been screaming for the chance to have some fun at my dating expense.
Maybe they should just choose my dates.
Sometimes, I think having them choose my dates couldn’t be any worse than my choices in the past.
But is giving your family or friends authority to decide who you go out with a good idea or a bad idea? Maybe it’s better to identify Mr. Wrongs myself and avoid those past mistakes alone. Thanks to Christian-based author Stephen Arterburn and his book Avoiding Mr. Wrong, I have some great examples of men who should not be honored by my company—or yours.
10 Early Warning Signs He Could Be Mr. Wrong
1. Mr. Detached.
This man finds intimacy too much work. To avoid emotional engagement, he works all the time, travels all the time, never leaves the garage/home office, or is always engrossed with the Internet, books, movies, sports, music, or anything to avoid connecting with you regularly.
2. Mr. Control Freak.
This man usually looks like Prince Charming, who will care for everything. At first, this may be alluring, but to keep control, he must rule with an iron fist. He is really a man who is afraid and likes to project his fear onto his partner.
3. Mr. Too Wonderful.
This man is too good to be true. He is so wonderful, and he knows it. He expects to always be the center of attention, and he will stop at nothing to keep the attention focused on him.
4. Mr Cowardly Lion.
This man always gives in to peer pressure, takes the easy way out, and stays in failing relationships rather than leaving. He stays at jobs he hates and works for bosses who abuse him. he won’t stand up for you, your children, or himself.
5. Mr. Angry.
This man is violent. Some of the signs that he will eventually turn violent are that he is jealous, insecure, possessive, blames others, views sex as the answer to any issue, threatens to harm you or your loved ones, and finds another relationship quickly if there is a breakup.
6. Mr. Mama’s Boy.
Regardless of age, this man is still living at home. He might appear perfect because of his devotion to his mom. There is only one person who can have priority in his life, and that one person is his mom.
7. Mr. Deceiver.
When truth is relative, then truth can change from day to day or hour to hour. Loyalty, fidelity, and commitment become concepts that do not exist.
8. Mr Addicted.
This man is the life of the party and can be fun to be around, but his irresponsibility, mood swings, lack of money from all the substance purchases, and lifestyle choices ultimately prevent him from having a truly committed relationship or being responsible in one.
9. Mr. Eternal Kid.
This man is Peter Pan, the eccentric genius, or Gilligan – the type we think of when we picture the man who never grows up. Like Peter, this type of man can be very charming and fun to be around, but someone in the relationship has to be the adult – and that person will always be you – because this man will never be responsible.
10. The Ungodly Man.
This man has no concept of spirituality, and it is imperative to him that he is right about the existence of God and all believers are wrong.
In the following video, Cathryn Michon, relationship expert and girl genius, discusses how to look out for Mr. Wrong
Where’s the good news? You have control over who you are willing to date.
You are also doomed to a lifetime of bad relationships. If you monitor the company you keep, you can control the quality of men in your dating arena. If you surround yourself with men who do not fit the Mr. Wrong profile, then sooner or later, you will be attracted to one of the “good guys.”
If you pay attention to the signals that your body, mind, and spirit send you, you will make better relationship decisions.
I know I will.
Veronica Jacobsen
Veronica Jacobsen is the Director Of Business Development at Life-Rock, a nonprofit organization committed to helping people in recovery with their personal well-being.

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