Last updated on February 27th, 2013 at 05:24 pm
Last week, I wrote about how some of my biggest dreams came true in the past month, and how 2013 is off to an epic start. This week, I continue where I left off, this time talking about what to do when your dreams exceed your wildest expectations, which happily is the state of my life right now.
Off to LA for Photo Shoots
As I write this, I am busy preparing for a trip to Los Angeles, California as well to do multiple modeling photo shoots, along with male model and actor Mathias Montaigu. He is a dreamboat, basically the illegitimate love child of Matthew McConnaughy (body and abs and pecks and arms) and Johnny Depp (killer cheekbones and sweet gentle brown eyes).
We are going to be working with some top photographers, including Will Chiang, whose photos have been featured in GLAMOUR, BRIDE and INK magazines among others.
May I repeat this, for my own sake: I am going to dress up in fun clothes and be photographed in sexy poses for someone who take pictures for GLAMOUR magazine.
Are you friggin’ kidding me?!
Here I thought I might take some pics with photographer friends, but then spurred on by Miami friends, I signed up for the Website Model Mayhem where models can connect with photographers, and the rest, as they say, is history.
I am thrilled to be dressing up, playing and building my portfolio, which will also support the growth of my burlesque dancing career.
Just one month ago exactly, on January 11th, I launched my public fan page on Facebook for my burlesque dancing business. You can check it out by clicking here to visit the FLAME Marilyn Facebook Page.
Since then, I have managed to attract more than 725 LIKEs to my page, which lately has been growing like wildfire: 250 new LIKEs in just few days. And, in the meantime, I also created my first official FLAME Marilyn Website which is of course
Check it out.
This post will be shorter than usual in fact because I am packing for my L.A. trip – I am meeting with agents, friends and of course doing the modeling gigs. I will look to line up more work there in the future.
And I will walk around Hollywood AS IF I AM ALREADY A BIG STAR, because in my experience the best way to create the reality you want is simply to inhabit it first. Decide who you want to be, and act like you are that already.
It has always worked for me.
Apparently, it was what worked for Lady Gaga as well. She used to walk the streets dressed in crazy costumes, before she was a “big star,” acting like she was already a rock star… And look at her now.
Looks Like A Girl But She’s A Flame
So here I am, living my wildest dreams, at a level higher than what I ever anticipated… with exciting things happening for me every single day.
Here are my suggestions about what to do when you suddenly realize that all of your wildest dreams are coming true:
Do not forget to celebrate yourself and all the time and energy you have put into becoming your best you, and realizing your dreams. I have been a professional dancer since 1999, and have done burlesque dancing since 2007, so this is not an “overnight success” in the sense that I have logged tens of thousands of hours as a dancer before “hitting it big.” I deserve to celebrate what is happening now, and all that I am creating.
I find that when we are most grateful, we tend to receive even more of whatever it is that we want. As they say, “the rich get richer and the poor get poorer,” and I think most of that is due to having an attitude of gratitude. The universe rewards an attitude of gratitude, and when you are feeling truly abundant, more abundance pours in.
When you are really “in the flow” in your life and doing what you love, I find that there is generally a good deal of synchronicity. It can almost feel like the universe is doing the work for you, and lining up opportunities. I find that the key is to move quickly on them, because sometimes delaying can mean a missed opportunity. And when synchronicity is working in your favor, it is the time to go for it and leap.
During times when things are taking off for you, it can be easy to get caught up in the moment and to lose sight of the “big picture.” Be sure to keep a focus on both long- and short-term goals, and to be clear about each, when in the midst of making dreams come true. Make sure you simply keep heading in the direction of what you love most.
I have no idea what is coming next, although I am excited to find out what is around the next bend. I just keep taking the next step, and the next step, and doing “the next right thing,” trusting that it is all leading me somewhere wonderful.
Just have fun with it. I know I will — I do! I will be reporting in next week from the road in Los Angeles, California.
Love, FLAME (Lisa)

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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