Last updated on January 1st, 2013 at 01:38 pm
Most dreamers have ideas programmed into their subconscious mind that can either help or hinder them when they are working to achieve their dreams.
Have you ever started taking the steps towards something your heart desires, only to abandon the project somewhere along the path because some part of you doesn’t believe you can really make it happen? Conversely, have there been times in your life when you “achieved the impossible” and succeeded way above and beyond your own expectations?
I suspect we’ve all experienced both of these at various times in our lives. Author Eldon Taylor‘s new book, Self-Hypnosis and Subliminal Technology: A How-To Guide For Personal Empowerment Tools You Can Use Anywhere!, explores the power of the subconscious mind in impacting what we achieve in the world, and provides tools to shift our subconscious beliefs.
How To Hypnotize Yourself!
I don’t know about you, dreamers, but I wasn’t really aware that I could hypnotize myself before I read this book, which is a veritable treasure chest of ideas about how to shift our subconscious beliefs.
I did get hypnotized once before taking my GREs, to be programmed with the idea that I would be relaxed and succeed. Indeed, I got a higher score on my GREs than I did on my SATs, despite taking them 10 years later and just doing minimal studying and review of GRE books.
Hypnotizing myself was a new concept, however. I’ve been practicing entering deeper and deeper states of relaxation and allowing my subconscious mind to play movies both of my fears (so I can eliminate them!) and of my desired successes.
Hypnotizing yourself includes some of the techniques you may have observed in watching someone go under hypnosis on-stage, on TV or a live show. Counting down from 10 to 1, deeper and deeper relaxation, prompting yourself to conjure up certain images, and then counting your way back into the room and present moment…
Of course, this kind of self-hypnosis is not about making yourself bark like a dog or cluck like a chicken, as is sometimes the case with hypnosis for entertainment purposes.
Watching A Movie of My Happy Future
I think my favorite exercise was counting myself into a state of deep relaxation and then watching “movies in my mind” of my successful and happy future. Visualizing success helps us to achieve it; we have to see it in the mind’s eye first to create it.
Taylor provides instructions in the book as well about how to create our own personalized “subliminal message” tapes or CDs that include affirmations layered with music and “white noise.” I haven’t tried this technique yet, although I’ve used affirmations to work on reprogramming my mind.
Taylor writes that this technique embeds the new beliefs deeper in the mind, and bypasses our rational, logical mind, which may come up with reasons why our new affirmations are not “true.” You can even use the subliminal message tapes while sleeping.
I don’t know about you, but I’m happy to try simple techniques that can help me to reprogram any old limiting beliefs I may still have about why I cannot live my dreams. Because, of course, I believe the seeds of dreams were planted within us precisely because we are the right people to achieve them!
I want you to live all of your dreams, dreamers, so am sharing more of Eldon Taylor’s ideas in the hopes that they help you to make a shift in your perceptions of yourself and what is possible, thereby altering your future reality. Check out Taylor’s new book for more tools to use along the way as you dream big, believe, and make it happen!
Q&A with Eldon Taylor
Below, Taylor addresses some “FAQs” about subliminal communication and hypnosis. You can learn more about the book and the “launch party” today as well by clicking here.
1. How are hypnosis and subliminal communication related and why do you think they are vital tools for self-improvement?
Both hypnosis and subliminal technology deal directly with the subconscious mind, which is the repository of all of your experiences, feelings and reaction. These subconscious beliefs play a definite role in your ability to achieve goals. For example, if you were brought up to believe that ‘money is the source of all evil,’ and then you had the conscious desire to be rich and successful, this subconscious belief would keep finding ways to sabotage you.
Or maybe your outer goal is to lose weight, but somewhere in your past you were hurt by a significant other, so you put on extra weight in order to avoid attracting unwanted attention. Until you deal with some of these subconscious beliefs, until your inner goals are in line with your outer goals, success will always elude you.
Hypnosis works by slowing down brainwave activity, which makes it easier to recover memories, to access your own subconscious beliefs and also to reprogram yourself for success. Subliminal communication works by bypassing conscious awareness and all of its defense mechanisms. It changes your self-talk (the beliefs held by your subconscious) from the inside out.
As your self-talk changes, so does your life experience. It’s important to note, the current data suggests that approx. 90% of your choices are actually made by the nucleus accumbens, the area of the brain that is in our subconscious domain.
2. What can you use hypnosis for?
There are so many areas in which hypnosis has been used successfully. These range from weight loss and smoking, to pain management and stress, from enhancing sports performance to enhancing learning abilities, from self-healing to sex enhancement, and from meditation to past life regression.
3. Do you have any amazing success stories as a result of using subliminal communication?
All success stories are amazing, simply because they have improved the quality of that person’s life. However, some of the most fascinating stories would have to include the individual who credited using a program for Prosperity and Abundance for finding a winning lottery ticket, or the person who trades on the stock exchange and always does better when working with this same program. And I have received a number of letters from people in remission from cancer, who attribute this to using the Spiritual Healing for Cancer program that I offer.
4. What else can you use subliminal programs for?
Again, this list is as wide as those for hypnosis. Basically, if you do not believe you can succeed, then this belief will prevent you from becoming the best that you can be. The best part of my job is the many letters I receive, on a daily basis, telling me how much their lives have improved using my InnerTalk subliminal programs.
I love hearing from the mother who is happy that her child is no longer afraid of school, or the student who has just passed their law school Bar exam, or the Olympic athlete who just won a medal. I have received letters regarding relationship, health, spirituality, better life, business and addictions. All of these are areas users have reported improvements in, which have resulted in an increased quality of life.
5. You say in your book that self-hypnosis and subliminal communication are the best self-help tools. Do you use them yourself, and if so, how?
Yes, I use them myself virtually every day! The subliminal programs are easy to use as they can just be played in the background as you go about your day. Sometimes I will be working on something specific, say avoiding catching a cold that is going around. In this instance I use the Accelerated Healing and Well-Being program.
When I am not working on something specific, then I like to keep myself ‘tuned up’ and will use a program such as Optimism Plus or Quantum Younging. I actually have a number of programs that I have put on my i-phone, which of course has built in speakers. This way I can keep my phone in its holster and benefit from the subliminal programs whatever I am doing.
I generally use self-hypnosis twice a day. I try to take time out to meditate every day and self-hypnosis can really speed this process up. I can achieve in a 10 minute session what would take me half an hour if I did not use self-hypnosis. I also use self-hypnosis last thing at night. It is a great way to go to sleep and also for keeping myself focused on my goals while I am sleeping.
6. Can you tell us a little about your special book launch event?
My publicist has really gone to town on this book launch. She has enlisted the support from a large number of my friends and colleagues and they are all offering additional bonus gifts when you get your copy during the book launch event. We also have numerous drawings for some other fabulous gifts from personalities such as Linda Evans (Emmy nominated and award winning actress and author), Dee Wallace (award winning actress, author, healer and teacher), Norm Shealy (M.D., researcher and teacher), Crystal Andrus (best-selling author and women’s advocate), Alex Loyd (author and teacher of The Healing Codes), Caroline Sutherland (author and renowned medical intuitive), Shazzie (author, teacher and raw food expert) and Steven Halpern (award winning composer and recording artist). There is also a drawing to win 2 tickets, airfare and hotel to a Hay House I Can Do It Conference, where you will have the chance to see Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, myself and many other prominent self-help authors.
To learn more about this book launch, please click here:
Dreamers, this week tap into the power of your subconscious mind and make your dreams come true!
And thank you Eldon Taylor!

Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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