Last updated on January 22nd, 2019 at 02:56 pm
Just this past weekend, I had an epiphany about some of the ways in which I have pushed blessings away in the past, rather than being willing to gratefully receive all the abundance the Universe wants to send my way.
I decided to share it today, on the Day of the Epiphany (January 6th) as a way of reminding myself, and all of us, that one of the ways to find happiness is to be willing to receive the gifts that life wants to give us.
I had forgotten about this, since I’m a life coach and generally a joy-bunny now, but in my 20s I was sure that I wasn’t really “destined” for happiness. I had this notion, probably because I read a lot of dramatic love poetry and was an English major who wore black turtlenecks and smoked cloves, that unhappiness was probably preferable, because it gave you more to write about.
I worried that being “happy” would make me complacent, and not willing to get out there and do whatever it was I was meant to do to “save the world.” I thought that serving in a large, global capacity might mean that I’d have a very successful career, but never find a true love of my own.
And I thought that my own personal happiness really didn’t matter, that as long as I was doing whatever job it was that I was “supposed” to do, that I’d be doing the “right thing.”
An Epiphany for a Silly Girl!
If you asked me now, I’d say – that’s silly of course. There is no reason that we cannot do work that we love that gives back to the world AND find a true partner with whom to spend our lives.
Personal happiness adds to global happiness in fact. When we are incredibly happy, we have more energy to share with the world, more motivation to live fully, and most likely more support from family, friends or partners who are delighted to be a part of our lives.
After all, people love being around and supporting joyful, purposeful people, and tend to shirk away more from those who are full of negativity. Cultivating our personal happiness is actually a huge gift to the world, and isn’t a bit selfish, as many people, especially women, too often think.
But it was my story. I also used to tell myself that I couldn’t make money doing what I love, which is another fallacy. Many people live their passions and dreams, and I have always found ways to make money as a writer, dancer and life coach.
I’m still in the process of creating my life so that my passions are my full-time work, since I still do part-time consulting work. I honestly think that’s partly a result of that dated story from years ago, which I am done with now.
Why limit my life and future because of a false belief I had in my 20s?
I Am Open to Receiving!
I realized all of this last weekend, after a wonderful Kundalini yoga class with my beloved teacher, Sat Kriya Kaur. Since it’s right around the turn of the New Year, she led a meditation in class that was a heart-opener in which we were to specifically ask to receive all blessings the Universe wishes to send to us.
I did this meditation with great intensity and asked the Universe to please give me all the blessings it wished to shower upon me. I vowed to keep my heart, mind and spirit open and to gratefully receive all that came my way.
What happened next was a minor miracle.
All the Gifts Poured In!
The gifts started pouring in right away – I think as a sign from the Universe that there is truly so much abundance that wants to come into our lives, when we do not block it, when we simply allow it.
I got home from class and popped on Facebook, and “Liked” a painting of a dancing Goddess, created by a dear friend. I commented about how much I love it.
She immediately wrote back and said that the painting was MINE, and that she wanted to finish it, frame it and ship it to me. I insisted that I should pay for shipping, and she said no, this was to be a gift.
I felt like the Universe was asking me to practice simply, gracefully receiving. There was nothing she wanted in return for the painting.
She asked only that I “pay it forward,” and gift something wonderful to someone else in the future. I was so touched and moved by the gesture and felt like it was a beautiful sign of things to come.
Even better, she said that the mantra she had in mind while painting it is: “GODDESS IS ALWAYS LOVED.” I know receiving it definitely made me feel loved.
More Gifts Pouring In!
Yesterday, more gifts came pouring in. I wasn’t seeking either one, but again stood in the practice of gratefully receiving the blessings.
First, a life coach, author and highly successful entrepreneur who I greatly respect and admire, who is doing the kind of work I want to continue to do in the world at an even higher level, offered to do a free 90-minute coaching session with me. Since coaching sessions from someone at her level would general run $250 – $500, this was super-generous.
I said, THANK YOU, and, yes. I let her know my goals and intentions and said if you’re sure I’m in!
Of course I didn’t need to second-guess it – it was offered to me, no strings attached. I feel so blessed.
Then, a dear friend generously offered to let me attend a workshop she is leading, and said I can help with preparing for it or help her in other ways in the future. I wasn’t expecting it, and gratefully accepted.
Within 24 hours of the meditation designed to help us let blessings in, all three of these incredibly generous gifts, all so perfect for my life right now, came pouring in.
Ready to Receive!
I may practice this meditation more regularly and also simply set the intention every day to open my heart and to receive the blessings that want to flow my way. I am looking to ramp things up in my career, and will need help from others to do this.
And, I would like to be in a relationship again this year, and clearly need to value myself enough to choose someone who will brings lots of love, affection, joy and blessings my way.
It makes me sad sometimes that I spent so many years blocking some blessings, and am just awakening to some of this now. Of course it’s been a wonderful life so far, and the good news is that as I practice receiving all the blessings, things will only get better.
I truly believe it is a benevolent universe, and that we are meant to be happy. I am ready to accept all the blessings of love, abundance, joy, success, ecstasy, and whatever else wants to come my way.
Dear Universe, thank you in advance for all the magic that is to come.
Lisa Powell Graham
Finding Happiness Daily!
Lisa P. Graham is an inspirational writer, life coach, TED motivational speaker, and globe-trotter whose passion is to help others to find happiness and meaning in their daily lives. A political activist at heart, Lisa would like to empower more women to run for political office as a way to create positive change in the world. You can find her on her website or watch her TEDx speech on YouTube.
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