Last updated on November 3rd, 2019 at 06:57 pm
Have you ever wanted to just clear everything out?
There are many reasons why this instinct comes over us each spring.
It can be the fact that spring brings forth the new, or maybe we feel the sudden need to change our surroundings, or we’ve come to realize how important being organized is to our dream success.
After some intense scrutiny of my own personal surroundings and balancing my checking account, I decided it was time to put a little feng shui into my dream life.
I began to look around my house for all the items I could get rid of and even sell on Craigslist.
The answer came to me in an old massage chair that we never used at all and was taking up too much space in my creative room where I work on my jewelry.
I drug the chair out into the middle of the room, took a photo and posted it on Craigslist — all within 30 minutes. Suddenly my phone was ringing off the hook and before the day was over I had sold the chair.
I couldn’t believe how getting rid of that chair brought so much great energy into my creative space.
Not only was I able to get some cash, but I was then able to move my jewelry desk to the perfect feng shui spot in the room — the wealth corner!
Feng Shui means “wind and water” is the 6,000-year-old Chinese art of arranging our environment to enhance positive energy flow called Chi.
The philosophy is based on the five elements of fire, water, wood, earth, and metal which are considered the balancing forces that carry positive influences.
By arranging the 5 elements in the correct way it assists in attaining goals and maximizing prosperity.
Here’s a quick way to bring more of the 5 elements into your home and your dream —
You can bet I’ve arranged all my jewelry pieces to represent these elements in one form or another.
Here’s to clearing out something this week that is getting in the way of your dream life. Don’t forget to bring in a little feng shui to support your succes.
~ Heather

Heather Montgomery is a fitness writer, triathlete, and serial entrepreneur who is devoted to sharing what she has learned about becoming a triathlete after age 40. She uses her Metabolic Training Certification to help other women struggling to get fit in mid-life. She lives and trains in Santa Rosa, California, the new home of the Ironman triathlon. You can find her biking the Sonoma County wine trails.
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