Last updated on September 19th, 2019 at 04:17 pm
You have to find a way to make your dreams happen.
There’s this saying –
Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to solution.
Easter is a crazy time for me, so I am leaving you with this video tip on Monday morning to remind you to go out there and do it –
Josselyne Herman-Saccio, a songwriter, pop singer, personal manager for actors, writers, directors, and recording artists, discusses abracadabra and realizing your dreams right now and not “someday.”
Her TED speech:
Every one of us indeed has a dream. When I was little, my goal was to be a pop star, to marry a tall, dark, handsome soul mate, have three children– precisely two boys and a girl–spend summers in Paris, have my own company, and make a difference for people. I didn’t
think that was too much to ask for, but that was my list of dreams. If I ask you what your dream is, many of you could right away say what
your dream is while some of you may not be able to identify your dream because you’ve given up on it. And a lot of us do give up on our dreams because we don’t think we’ll have the time, the money, or the resources to fulfill them. So, we start settling for what looks doable versus what we really want.
Actor, Jim Carrey spoke at graduation, and you may have seen the YouTube videos, but one of the things he said that is true is that so many of us choose our life path out of fear disguised as practicality. I think this statement rings true for many of us. We might have a dream or a vision, but then we don’t know how to get there. We don’t know how to accomplish it. We think we don’t know who we need to know or have what we need to have to achieve it, so we settle for something else.
When I was five-years-old, I was sitting with my dad in our 1968 Chevy Impala convertible, and I remember he used to paint and he had stopped painting. I asked him, “Why did you stop painting?” He responded, “Well, you know, you can’t do your dream as your career.” And at that moment I decided that what my dad said was the truth: You can’t do your dream as your career. Even though my dream was to be a singer, I figured “well I guess I’ll never be able to be a singer so I’ll go into business. I’ll be a lawyer. I’ll do something where I can get a steady paycheck. I’ll keep my singing as a hobby to fulfill that dreamer part of me.
I then spent my life pretty much proving that what my dad said was atrue–you don’t do your dream as your career. It seemed very reasonable, until in 1989 when I was at a seminar and I had this sudden insight. If you’ve ever been sitting in a room full of people and they’re talking and all of a sudden you see something true about your life. What I saw was that maybe the decision to not do your dream as your career wasn’t the truth. Perhaps it was just a decision that I made in the infinite wisdom of a five-year-old, then spent a lifetime proving it correct, so I believed it. In that moment of seeing my belief about living a dream not as the truth but as a possible view, it loosened its grip on me. I started to see my dream as a possibility again.
I started to introduce myself as a singer to people. At first, it felt like a lie. It felt like I was saying I was a loser, or I was a starving artist because I associated those two things as one. I continued telling people I was a singer, and after a while, it started to feel more and more natural. I began to take the actions that somebody who was a singer would have done, like scheduling a show and recording a demo.
It was like magic.
In three months, I got a record deal. In three months I became part of this group called Boy-Crazy, and then we had a number-one record–the number-one single in the country. You know, Casey Kasem and the whole thing. We knocked Whitney Houston out of the number one spot. She had been there for like 250 years with the sone “I Will Always Love You.” We were the next number one song. At this point what became clear for me was my
mission in life was to have my dreams come true–not just dreams come true–but magic!
My excitement wasn’t just about getting a record deal; it was the element of magic that inspired me. The fact that a dream was fulfilled. It wasn’t so much the idea of having a hit record but the idea of having a dream fulfilled and creating magic in the world. Because of this inspiration, I’ve spent the last 25 years working with people to empower them to have their dreams fulfilled.
I am inviting you to be those people to have your dreams fulfilled. We may need to identify what is your dream and how to fulfill it right now, not someday or one day in the future that you never get to. Do you ever notice how you never get to someday? So my question to you is:
What is your dream source?
That’s right; I’m not asking you what your dream is–I am asking you what your dream source is–which is truely what’s underneath your dream. It’s the point behind fulfilling a goal. Like me with the idea of magic being real. Magic is my dream source, and magic is what’s underneath whatever goals I want to achieve. “Dream source” is a term that I coined a few years ago when I started to work with people who wanted to achieve their dreams.
For example, if I said to you, “What do you really want? And you answered, “I want to be my own boss.” I would then ask you to get to your dream
source. I’d ask, “What would be available for you if you become your own boss that isn’t available for you now?
These questions would get you to look at a deeper meaning of why you have that dream and why you have the goals that you have.
I connected with my dream source when I was 22-years-old when I secured that record deal and I became a pop singer. It became evident to me that what I was passionate about was magic. It was magical to get a record deal in three months. It was magical to have a number one record. Because I have connected with my dream source–magic–, I’ve had every dream of mine come true. I designed a company to empower people to fulfill their dreams. I became a pop singer. I married my dream of a tall, dark, handsome soul mate. He is cute, and we’ve been married for over twenty years. I had a dream to have three children, and I am a mother to two boys and a girl. I had a dream to have my own company so I could create my own schedule and I do. I had a dream to spend summers in Paris, and we just got back from spending the month of July in Paris. I had the vision to make a difference with people in the world, and I’ve been fortunate enough to be able to raise over 20 million dollars for charity work. I get to make a difference in my community with the PTA.
You can design a life that enables you to fulfill on your dreams moment-by-moment rather than hoping to get “there someday.” So my question to you is:
What do you really want?
Most people don’t think about what they want. They just go through life dealing with what they have versus creating what they really want.
I was working with an actor, and I asked him what his dream is. I asked, “What do you really want?” He said, “I want to be a working actor.” Then I thought, “I’d like to be managing him, but he’s not one of my clients…”
I then asked him, “If you were a working actor, what would be available for you that isn’t available for you right now?” He answered, “I could own property.” I responded, “If you want property, then what would be there for you that you don’t have available to you now?” He answered, “I wouldn’t have to worry about money. To which I responded, “If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would be there for you that you don’t have available to you now?”
Can you see where my responses are going?
And I say the same thing to you. If you didn’t have to worry about money, what would the essence, or the sense of, what that is?
It’s not a physical, tangible goal. It’s more a spatial thing like what would you have access to if you didn’t have to worry about money?
The actor’s response was “creativity.”
He said, “I’d be able to be creative!” And I responded, “That’s your dream source–creativity.” And he lit up like a Christmas tree and said, “That’s true! Creativity is what my whole life is about!” I said, “You don’t have to wait to win an Academy Award to be creative. You can bring creativity to your life versus hoping to get it out of life someday.”
We started to brainstorm on all the different areas where he could bring creativity into his life where he hadn’t been–like when he auditions for a role, or when he goes to do a catering job, or when he goes to Starbucks to buy a cup of coffee. There isn’t a single moment where you can’t bring creativity to every interaction in every moment of your life. He became really connected to what his creation source or his dream
source was now.
It isn’t as simple as saying, “Abracadabra,” which by the way in Aramaic means “I will create as I speak.” But dream achievement does begin with speaking your dream aloud and connecting with your dream source. By articulating your dream, you are bringing it to life versus hoping to
achieve your dream through a relationship or out of a circumstance.
Some of you may know what your dream source is and what inspires you while others might feel lost, but if you ask yourself, “What’s my dream source?” and take a moment and look what do you burn for and what you are passionate about. Any some may still have no idea what their dream source is, and that’s okay.
If you are one of those people who still have no idea what your dream source is, go back in time and look at early childhood moments that were your favorite moments. Those happy moments you never forget. What were your favorite moments in your life? We all have silver box moments we remember forever. It might be that you were running in a park and you were present to freedom. Or maybe you were playing with dolls, and you experienced joy, Or perhaps you were with your family, and you were present to love. They are moments where you’re not “there.” You disappear, and it’s magical. It’s dreamy, and that’s what I call your dream source.
In reality, there’s just this moment right now. What are you creating right now? Right now, there is no “someday.”
Whatever it is you want your dream source to be–that’s not a goal. It’s the outcome of a goal–something that becomes present out of doing that thing. It might be making a difference in the world. It might be making a connection.
When my brother was dying of AIDS back in 1990, he said to me, “You know I’m pretty complete with my life.” I was afraid he was going to die, and I told him, “I’m afraid you’re going to die.” He said, “I am going to die. You don’t have to be afraid because I’m not afraid. I’ve lived a
great life. I love my life. I love the people in my life. I’ve traveled. I’ve done what I wanted to do. I didn’t leave anything for someday.” And then he turned to me and continued, “But you’re not doing that.” He’s 15 years older than me, and I responded, “What do you mean?” He answered, “When are you going to sing?” I said, “Someday…” and he said, “There is no someday.”
It’s the truth; there is no someday.
Those of you that have dreams where you’re thinking you’re going to fulfill them someday, I’m inviting you to make your dream real right now, at this moment. What are you creating right now? Are you being your dream or are you chasing your dream? There are two different ways to live in this one life–you can wait for something to happen you or you can create it right now. So the question is:
What are you creating
right now are you creating love or are
you hoping to get it from someone are
you creating appreciation or are you
complaining that you’re not appreciated
enough whatever you want you can
actually create it like abracadabra kind
of creating by putting it into your life
versus hoping to get it out of your life
so I you know was preparing for this
talk and I was sitting with my now 82
year old father and my nine-year-old son
Shane and we were sitting at my dad’s
house and I was telling him about you
know the dream source topic and he said
do you think people are going to get it
I said well let’s test it out on Shane
so he said to Shane you know Shane what
are you passionate about what’s really
important to you and Shane goes magic
and I was like first of all so happy
that he magic was important to him too
like I have successfully recreated
myself or something and I said so your
life’s about magic
he said no my life’s about making magic
real and I got schooled in that moment I
was like that’s right it isn’t just
about magic it’s about having it be real
right now and actually get people
connected to their dream source by
asking questions like what do you burn
for or asking the kind of questions that
we looked at tonight like if you had
that goal accomplished then what would
be possible what would be available to
you or what are you passionate about
what what do you burn for what makes you
happy what satisfies you what was your
favorite moment those are questions you
can use to access other people’s dream
source as well and now perhaps I’ll read
you a poem called dreams by Langston
Hughes hold fast to dreams for if dreams
die life is a broken-winged bird that
cannot fly hold fast to dreams for when
dreams go life is a barren field frozen
with snow so I’d go a step beyond this
and say don’t hold fast to dreams but
give them away contribute them to people
contribute them to life if you do this
you will never be burned out I have a
very full life but I’m not burned out
I’m not over well
because it’s all an expression of my
dreams right now and right now with this
person or that person and you can don’t
have to wait till you win an Academy
Award to be fulfilled or till you get in
a relationship to be loving in fact
those things might be what attracts
those kinds of results to your life if
you create being loving that’s a pretty
lovable thing so I’m inviting you to
create your dreams and fulfill on them
now be the dream you wish to realize or
borrowing from one of my heroes be the
change you wish to see and I’d like to
leave you with this question what is
your dream source thanks
Remember to love yourself, love the process and just go out there and make your dream happen!
So, how are you going to make it happen this week?
Laurie Allen

Enjoy this special 8WomenDream Guest Contributor story submitted by new and experienced big dreamers throughout the world, edited and published to capture a dream perspective from different points of view. Do you have a personal dream story to share with 8WomenDream readers? Click here to learn how to submit dream big articles for consideration.
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