My dream is to heal with photography. That often includes empowering women to choose the right skin care, makeup and beauty treatments for each individual. Much of the change that our clients go through happens before they ever step on set. In the makeup chair we talk about our lives and share the beauty tips that have worked for us. I’d like to share the same with you. I’ll do a series of products that boost my self-esteem and outline how they have worked for me.
1. Dr. Andrew Weil for Origins Mega-Bright
Before the stress of moving and a drastic climate change, this light serum held my breakouts at bay. After about two months of use I noticed that my spots and pigmentation had faded. I didn’t buy it for the fading aspect, but it was a nice bonus. Realistically, a serum can’t make spots disappear. But it visibly lightened them. Definitely boosted my self-esteem to reduce my breakouts see the change in my skin. My skin also had a nice soft texture.
2. Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24H
When I lived in dry Colorado, I was a fan of Origins Sparty Pants CC Creme. I still recommend it for someone looking for light coverage and protection IF you don’t have oily or combination skin.
But upon moving to humid North Carolina (it rains ALL the time! When it’s not raining, it’s still humid) my skin was an oily mess all day long. I still wanted to do sunscreen and have some coverage. The ladies at my local Ulta helped with this choice and the Lancome Teint Idole has a lovely matte finish. It has a primer, foundation and setting agent all in one. It’s ridiculous how light it feels.
This is a super quick self-esteem boost! Head to a makeup counter to discuss your skin’s issues. Get samples from different places and try them out. I don’t wear it every day, but when I feel a bit frumpy I put this on and do a quick smokey eye. Great foundation looks like you’re hardly wearing any and puts a little skip in your step.
3. Bright Therapy Pimple Remover

This puppy works! It often stops a cystic pimple from getting crazy. Best if used when you first feel one coming.
Yes. I said the dreaded “P” word. This is my beauty must have! I’m considering buying a second in case I lose or break my first. I’ve used heat therapy and light therapy for years to manage breakouts. Unfortunately they usually required a wall outlet. They also work best if you use them when you first feel a pimple forming. I usually found one starting when I was out or on vacation.
This puppy packs a punch to pimples (alliteration cheekily intended), uses AA batteries and fits in my purse. It even fits in my smallest purse. I’ve stopped MANY pimples from becoming angry protrusions by using this. Please read all the instructions. It won’t work well on a pimple that’s already above the surface. And it gets hot, but have some common sense. If it’s so hot that it hurts, move it away. Many of the negative reviews described burns. I have never felt it get that hot.
4. Babyliss Rotating Brush
I love the look of a round brush blow out. But when I was sick my arms would get tired. (Insert arms tired joke here.) My boyfriend’s mom let me borrow hers and I was hooked. It handled my thick hair and smoothed everything out. I now use this every time I dry my hair. It works best if you can spend five minutes with a hair dryer so the brush has less work to do. But I’ve used one on completely wet hair. It worked, it just took about 30-45 minutes.
5. Sebastian Re-Shaper Hairspray
I have combination hair. It’s a combo of straight and curly and it never warns me which it will go with. Which makes me resemble a Poodle that was randomly attacked by a flat-iron when I’m in humid weather. My darling baby sister recommended this hair spray. If I’m going to spend an hour styling my hair, I’d like it to last longer than stepping outside my door. This hair spray is flexible and can be brushed though. And like magic it keeps my going full on Poodle. It doesn’t keep my hair perfectly straight, but it helps manage the humidity very well.
Do you have a must have beauty product that boost self-esteem? Or would you like to get my input on one you’ve been wanting to try? Please comment here and share.

Iman Woods is an American artist who specializes in pin-up photography. Through a unique and therapeutic process, she’s spent over a decade in perfecting, Iman helps women undo the damage from a negative self-image and unrealistic beauty industry expectations. She helps women embrace their own style of beauty and see themselves in a new light. You can find her on her website, ImanWoods[dot]com.
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