Last updated on November 2nd, 2019 at 11:19 am
Have you ever met a child that seems wise beyond their years as if they were born with an old soul?
I was one of those children. I was the kind of child who could read other people’s moods. I was always polite, anticipated other people’s needs, and decided to skip adolescence since it felt like it was a waste of time.
At age 21, I met my husband, who already had two sons from a previous marriage. I became pregnant at age 22, got married, and two weeks later, we received full custody of my two stepsons.
That year, I became an instant mother of three.
Here I am, sixteen years later, putting out to the universe my big dream of wanting to be a successful international artist. It seems to be an awfully tall order, and I struggle with that mean little fellow called “doubt.” Doubt whispers in my ear, “You’re too old, not talented enough, there’s too much competition, not enough time.”
I respond by reminding doubt about Grandma Moses, an artist, who did not begin her career until her seventies. She became quite famous and traveled the world. I tell doubt there is a place for everyone and that the only way to succeed is to take that first step.
As I drove home yesterday from picking up a Plein Air show in Palo Alto, California, I was thinking about what I would write here about my dream journey. I realized that one of my first steps would be to define further what success means as an international artist.
Earlier that day, I had aimlessly searched the Internet for Galleries in Paris only to discover their information was in French. So, I am committing myself to further defining my dream of success and to create a plan on steps to achieve it.
Wendy Brayton
Wendy Brayton is a Plein air oil painter from the Northern California wine country who can often be found along the rural county roads painting tractors and trailers. Wendy has a BS degree in sculpture from Sonoma State University and a Master’s degree from the Academy of Art in San Francisco. You can find a complete portfolio of her works at

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