Last updated on July 27th, 2014 at 10:29 pm
Saturday afternoon was spent driving the back roads of Sonoma County searching out painting locations.
There were huge tropical clouds floating above golden fields of mustard flowers.  How fortunate I am to be living in such a beautiful part of the world!
I am currently taking an online landscape class and all of my classmates live in other states. Many are buried in snow and I wish I could magically whisk them here to share in our winter splendor.
This is my second semester of grad school and I am taking two painting courses (one of which is online) and a head drawing class.
Twice a week I go to San Francisco, two days a week I teach third through eighth grade art, and the fifth day I teach small group and private lessons out of my studio.
This leaves me weekends to do homework and catch up with household chores. Notice that household chores is last on my list.
My life is very full and I am happy.
My dream to become an international artist I feel is waiting for me as I hone my painting skills in grad school. I can see the changes already occurring and am excited about the outcome.
I do want to admit that this change was not easy.
I had found a comfort zone with my artwork and had even developed a little attitude. Grad school took care of that and brought me humbly to my senses.
I was suddenly no longer the big fish in a small pond but a small fish in an ocean.
There is something wonderful about being challenged and put out of your comfort zone.
It reminds you that you are living.
(Wendy’s dream is still to become a influential international artist, but she left 8 Women Dream in March of 2010 to complete grad school. She is still a strong supporter of 8 Women Dream and you will see her in the comments on the blog.)

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