Last updated on December 3rd, 2012 at 02:24 pm
A few of my friends have been fired lately – some of them from jobs they have had for many years.
It’s a sad indicator that the economy is still unstable.
I’ve also noticed that being “let go” has a funny way of messing with one’s joy.
Back in 2007, I was fired from a consulting company I worked for 11 years. It was my absolute dream job. So when that happened, I had lots of emotions –
Anger at them for not valuing me, and mad at myself for not working harder
Fear of running out of money, and
Insecurity about my own strengths and talents that was so strong I felt like a fraud in my own life.
In the days that followed, I would like to say that I was fine, and started to dream about all the wonderful things that could now be possible for me.
I started flailing around, trying to get hired anywhere that would take me.
After about a month I was offered a semi-decent paying sales job in an industry I knew nothing about, and didn’t really care about, either.
Tempting – yes.
But you know in your gut what it’s like to take a job for the wrong reasons. To go to work every day with that pit in your stomach, wrestling with the logic of staying employed cause at least you have a job, and the integrity struggle of “I’m a liar every day I go to the office.”
So I said no, and walked away.
Almost 3 years later, I’m on my own as a business coach and consultant. Not initially the vision I had in mind, but it’s slowly taking shape. Its’ the most challenging time I’ve had financially – but I’m spending time working with business clients I love, and investing in my future as a photographer.
And it’s all a reflection of what I love to do, and what I’ve dreamed my life to be about.
But to be honest, I’m not a natural dreamer – meaning, to dream about the future, to wonder about “what if” and to know exactly what I want and find a way to get it no matter what – that doesn’t come natural to me.
I have to consciously force myself to do it until it becomes natural for me. And I’m confident that it will happen, one day.
But this, I do know: We can’t accomplish goals we don’t set, and we can’t follow our dreams unless we actually allow ourselves to dream about stuff.
I also it’s hard to get started and to know what to do next. So I’ll suggest a place to start.
Here are 3 questions that can help you begin to dream:
1. What are my biggest dreams – and do they have anything to do with what I’m doing right now in my life? If so, why? If not, how come?
2. What would my life look like if I could do exactly what I wanted?
3. If I had that life, what would it mean to me and to those around me?
If you are still stuck, go to the 8 Women Dream Steps To Find Your Dream Page and work through the exercises there.
I’ll invite you to ponder for a while. Then WRITE.
You are now dreaming.
Let us know what ends up on the paper.
Until next photo –
Remy’s dream is creating opportunities for photography showings and public displays of her work.

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