Last updated on December 1st, 2013 at 08:38 pm
Very often, when I post photo images or write about my dream living in the middle of a vineyard here in western Oregon’s Willamette Valley, I receive comments about how my life is like a fairytale.
The simple, beautiful truth is that I do live a fairytale.
And like so many fairytale stories, mine includes a handsome prince.
Today, my prince and I celebrate our life as husband and wife of fourteen years and I dedicate this piece with all of my everlasting love to him…
Giving me what I want
I wanted a romantic lover who would cherish me and bring flowers to brighten all of my days.
You gave me a garden filled with them.
I wanted giggles and silliness and unbridled echoes of joy to always lift my spirits.
You gave me our little girl and little boy.
I wanted to experience the feeling of being constantly surrounded by the sights, sounds and smells of the natural world and its wild wonders, yet still fall asleep filled with gratitude for life’s true and simple pleasures, while lying safe in your strong arms.
You gave me a magical, heavenly home in the middle of a glorious vineyard.
I wanted someone who deeply understood me in all of my insane moments, who wasn’t at all like me, and would look hard enough, with an unconditionally loving heart, to find that there was a bit of something sweet and worthy in the experience of really knowing me.
You gave a perfect kind of marriage, intelligent and soulfully driven partnership to me, fourteen years ago, on this day.
I have everything I have ever wanted and if we, together, are blessed with more days that turn into our seasons, side by side, then I know you will continue to give me all that I will ever want because you gave me you.
Happy Anniversary,
Shellie Croft spent a year sharing her American dream stories on 8 Women Dream. You can now find these stories on her blog Shellie’s Consumption.

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